Ghosts of Bridger's past

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Third person pov

Ezra walked alongside Sabine as they made their way among the ruins of Korriban. The dark and cold atmosphere of the ancient homeworld of the Sith gave them a sense of fear and feeling insecure. At last they reached their destination, the grave yard of many Sith who died under Revan's and later Malek's rule. Sabine then stopped. "This feels odd, like we are being watched by something or someone" Ezra then questioned "What do you feel is watching us Sabine" Sabine then turned around before turning back and replying "It's nothing Ezra, let's keep moving, the sooner we get this artefact, the sooner we get back to the Rebellion" Ezra nodded in agreement and the two continued to walk.

After what felt like hours, they reached the entrance to a tomb. A cold breeze blew out from the entrance as well as a sense of hate and anger. But the two then turned and looked out over the other tombs before deciding to investigate and see what other ancient Sith lords were buried in the tombs and graves of the yard. As they looked over them, Ezra spoke the names of a few that he felt like he knew or had some form of connection to. "Malek, Vitiate, Bane, Sion, Traya, Nihilus" As they came to last one at the end of the current row they were at. A voice could be heard, and Ezra sensed a lot more then what he and Sabine had signed up for on this mission. Ezra pushed Sabine aside as a blaster bolt came flying past. "Sabine, we need to get going now" "The artefact Ezra, we cannot leave without it" "Then come on" Ezra exclaimed, almost dragging Sabine along behind him as they ran to the tomb entrance. Behind them, a legion of stormtroopers came, their blasters raised and ready for a fight, behind them were three AT ST's, the Empire wasn't holding back here, and Ezra could tell this by the situation they were in at the moment. Even if Kanan and the others were here, they would struggle with the amount of troopers that the empire had on them at the moment. Ezra and Sabine made it inside the tomb. It was then that they realised that it was a stupid move. No sooner as they had realised this, did the Empire collapse the entrance, trapping them inside the tomb. Dust covering the area. Ezra and Sabine coughed as they sucked in some of the dust. Soon the dust cleared and the two sat down against the wall. Debating their next move. "We're trapped inside this tomb with little to do but hope this artefact can get us out, if not, then we die in here" "But we should at least be able to die together" "Yes, but I still don't want to go down this way, I wanted to go down guns blazing" Ezra then stood up. His eyes darting across the passageway before them. A look of fear then came across his face before Sabine then spoke up, noticing Ezra's fear. "What's wrong Ezra? "This cave, it seems familiar, like my family made it thousands of years ago, but I don't know why, but I fear what this cave was the tomb to" "Ezra, if anything makes a move against us, we'll be ready, but you need to focus here and now" "Right, we need to find the artefact and then find a way out of here" "Do not fear my child, we will guide you to the end"
"Ezra, did you hear that" "Yes, and I don't like the sound of it"
"We will get you out of this cave my child, do not fear us, we have been watching you your whole time here on Korriban"
"Who are you, show yourself, or selves" Three ghosts appeared in front of them, two in the form of Ezra's parents, the third one was different, but he looked similar to Mire and Ephraim Bridger, with a hint of Mandalorian armour showing under his robes. "We are your family Ezra, the artefact you seek is a weapon for you" "Do not be dismayed my son, we shall set you upon the path to defeat the Empire once and for all, but to do that, I need you to take up arms and show the Empire that our family is never truly gone" "But Mother, and Father, why are you here now" "You will know in due time my son, for now, seek out the blade and then you will know why you are hear and why you are the chosen one"
The figures vanish into the air, leaving Ezra and Sabine to their thoughts.

Sabine then broke the silence after a few minutes but starting to walk and make her way into a chamber at the end of the passageway. "You coming Ezra, we don't have all day." "Yeah, I'm coming, just needed to process what just happened and the information that I just received, well he little information I just received" As the two entered the chamber, a hilt was on the ground, Ezra walked over and picked it up. Igniting it, a purple blade extended. Ezra then knew why he was here. He was here to reclaim the blade of Revan, his ancestor. He now knew why he was the chosen one, he was to deal with the empire by showing them that even those of Revan's bloodline cannot be killed so easily. Sabine then walked over and spoke "Ezra, I need to tell you something" "Go ahead" "I... I... Ezra.. I..." Ezra placed a kiss on her lips and then spoke. "I'm already ahead of you" "I love you Ezra" :I love you two Sabine, now let's get out of here"

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