An xmas gift

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One for the Christmas cheer

Third person pov
It was Christmas day, the crew off the ghost had gathered in the common room to give each other gifts and joy.
Hera picked up the first one and handed it to Kanan, kanan opened it and looked at it, he smiled and placed it down, Zeb gave him the next gift, what kanan recived was something he needed, Chopper advanced and gave Kanan a shock, kanan yelled out
"Chopper, don't do that"
Sabine came forward and gave kanan her gift, he opened it, last, Ezra gave him his gift, next it was heras turn, she recives gifts form the crew and a shock from chopper. Zeb came next, he recived a shock from chopper, after the lot of gifts, kanan had stacked his four gifts next to him, a painting of him and hera, from sabine, a new headband from ezra, a come to my room letter from hera, and feom zeb, he received a holoprojector. For hera, she received the kulkory(how is it spelt)from her homeworld, how ezra and zeb did it, was unknown, from kanan, she got a new blaster, from sabine, was the same painting of her and kanan. Zeb, he received a painting of him and chopper, him running after chopper, from hera, he got a new pillow, from ezra, a box of space waffles, from kanan, he received a new upgrade for his bowrifle.
Then it was Sabines turn.
Hera came up and gave her, her gift, sabine opened it and looked at it,
It was a new artbook,
Kanan gave her, his gift, she again, opened it and
A new paintbrush set
From zeb, she recived an upgrade to her helmet
From Ezra, was a drawing he did of the crew,
From chopper, was a shock

Then it was Ezra, he sat down and hera gave him his gift,
A new blaster
From zeb, he received a punch to the arm
From kanan, he received jedi robes
From chopper, he received a shock, like the rest of the crew
From sabine, he received nothing, she came up and spoke into his ear
"My gift is waiting in my room, come in later i will give it to you"
With that, she walked away, zeb spoke up
"What did she say"
"Well, we have a mission to do, so lets stop an imperial shipment of food and bring it to a nearby town"
"Ok Hera"

After the mission

Thrawn pov
"Another operation to ruin Christmas ruined by the ghost crew, i shall have my revenge one day"

Ezra pov
It was dark, we had about five minutes till dinner, i walked up to sabines door and knocked
"Come in"
I opened the door and walked, the door closed behind me
"Yes Ezra, you want your gift, well here it is"
She moved her head closer to mine, she bent it to the side and our lips met, shes kissing me, i melted into the kiss, we wrapped our arms around each other, enjoying the warmth of each others body, after three minutes we separated
"I love you Ezra Bridger"
"I love you too Sabine Wren"
"Come to the table for dinner now kids"
We turned and looked at the door
"Let's go and get food"
We walked out the door and towards the kitchen

Third person pov
Ezra and Sabine walked into the kitchen holding hands, whent eh crew saw them, chopper dropped some components, Zebs mouth dropped open, hera and kanan smiled. It was a good day for the crew, but more importantly, a great day for the two teens on the crew, later in Sabines room, the two were about to go to sleep
"I love you Ezra"
"I love you Sabine"
And the two fell asleep, falling into dreams of each other, for love lasts longer then a war

Have a great Christmas, and a happy new years Sabezra fans, till next time, may the force be with you

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