The trials of Manda

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The sequal of the final battle, let us begin a week after the battle

Ezra pov
I woke up, it had been a week since Sabine declared her feelings for me and that i was to be brought into Mandalorian culture, we were moved to Krownest for the rest of the time we were healing, every now and then, on of Sabines family members would come in and check on us, at times it was irritating, but in time, we got use to it. I was reading through the news, the then spotted something that got my eye. I read it and my eyes opened wide, Thrawn did it, he, i felt tears forming, Sabine looked at me and Ursa walked into the room to check on us when she saw me, i had tears coming down slowly.
"Ez, love, what is wrong"
"Thrawn, he...he did an orbital bombardment on Lothal, millions dead, all in a rage and race to eradicate the rebellion"
I felt my tears coming down harder now, i closed down the news and layed down on the bed, i couldn't believe it, my home, was no destroyed, my home, it's buitiful landscape, all the wildlife, the green grass and lovely mountains, all reduced to nothing by Thrawn, i was too sad to be angry and my love for Sabine kept me from being angry, Thrawn didn't know where we were, and that i was glad off, he believes me to be dead.
"Rest now Bridger, your trials begin a few days after you have healed"
I nod and close my eyes.
Two months later
I walked into the arena, Sabine stood next to her brother, behind them up high was Ursa and her husband, i looked around to see many had gathered here for my first trial.
"People of clan Wren, we are gathered here to witness Ezra Bridger of Lothal. Go through the trials of manda, if he succeeds. He is brought into our culture, if he fails, then he is banished from Mandalore for ever"
I saw Sabine look down at that last line, i smiled and she had her hope brought back.
"The first trial, is by combat, defeat the droids, with your staff, and progress on to the next trial"
I look infornt of me and three droids rise, they advance, i hold my staff in a defensive position, my lightsaber training is about to come in handy, i look at them, watching them, which one will make the first move, i watch as one moves and strikes at me, i move to the side and strike at it, taking one of its arms off, i move back and see the other two have now moved to strike at me, i block one and then hit the other, i stand back and strike at the stunned droid, taking hits head off and removing it from the battle, i doges the next droids strike and strike it in the chest, stunning it for now, i move and take its head off, i turn to the last droid, it holds its weapon in its remaining hand, i move to the side with out the arm and strik down, taking its head off.
"And Bridger has defeated the droids, an easy task no doubt as he is well trained in sword combat, we meet again tomorrow for the next trial, the trial of ranged targets"

I moved into the arena the next day, the targets were set up, a blaster was layed on the table, i walk over to it and pick up the blaster.
"We begin the second trial of manda, take down the targets with out missing one and pass, fail and we all know what happens"
I talked to Sabine last night, i had used a blaster a lot more before I received my lightsaber, and I continued to use one even after, this would be simple, but that the number of targets is the same as the amount of ammo in the blaster, i aimed at the forst one and fired, my shot hit the target, the next target was moving, i watched it and saw how it was moving, i aimed in its path and counted down till i fired, after three seconds, i fired, hitting the target, i aimed at the third one and saw it was moving faster, i aimed and counted again, i fired, hitting it, i aimed at the last one, it was a distance away and was moving at a normal pace, i aimed and used my skill with a blaster, i fired, the bolt hit the target, taking it down
"And he has proven himself again, but we shall see if he can beat the final trial of manda"

I walked over to Sabine later that day, she was sitting, i came over and spoke
"So, one more trial"
"Yes, but this one is dangerous and hard"
"Harder then the other ones"
"Yes, the only person known to have beaten this final trial was Revan, but his bloodline was ended when Theron Shan was killed at the battle of Kuat"
"I always had secrets, some different, but Revans bloodline did not end there, it kept going, till it came to Lothal, I remember my mother and father speaking about what they should do if the empire ever found out about my history, about my bloodline, and lucky for them, the empire never did"
"Your part of Revans bloodline"
"Yes, i am, and your clan will know that when I finish the last trial"
"Then we shall see each other again tomorrow, goodnight Ez"
"Good night Sabine"

The next morning was different, I walked out into the arena, to see the clan standing ready infornt of their seats, Sabine stood next to ursa, Tristan was next to his father, they stood in a line next to each other, i looked infornt of me to see something different about the arena, it was set up for a battle of some sort, but with a creature
"If Bridger can defeat the mighty Rancor(no idea why but that was the first thing to pop to my mind)
Then he passes the trail, if he fails, then he dies"
I saw the gate at the other side open, i saw the beast walk out, it was a fully grown male Rancor, this trial i shard, but Revan did it before me, and i shall do it again. I move foward, my mind is clear of all fear, i know full well what the creature is capable off but i am not afraid, my only weapon is a blaster, the only spot to get a shot off is in its mouth, and to get to that, i will need to use all my skills, i had one shot in the blaster, and if i failed, then things would get harder, i looked at my surroundings and saw that i could use them to my advantage, I realised that this was the same setup that Revan used to defeat the Rancor before, i saw which moves he took, i looked up to see the Rancor above me, i move to the side as its hands came crashing sown on where i was standing, i moved back and jumped onto a rock, i made a sound and the creatur turned, it opend its mouth, i took aim and fired, the bolt it the Rancor in the spot i was aiming for, the creature fell down dead
"I don't think we have ever seen any one pass the trail that fast since Revan"
I saw Sabine speak up
"Then it is time for a secret to be revealed"
I nodded and spoke out
"I am Revans decedent, i am off his bloodline"
"Then it seems, we underestimated your skills, but you passed, your ancestor was given the choice having armour, and now you shall have that choice"
"And i choose to have the armour"
"Then have it, you will, come, we shall desgin it togeather, Sabine and the others can wait here"

Sabine pov
It was hours since my mother and Ezra went into the forge, they soon emerged, Ezra in his armour, it was different  it had the same basic structure as Mandalorian armour but it had the designs of a LothWolf, he cared for his home, but his home was here now, and nothing can take that away.

We met up later and in our new room, togeather we are strong.
"Im proud of you Ezra, im proud that you were not ashamed of your past and that you never quit for a second"
"Im glad your proud, but your the best thing, you were what drove me to succeed, not my anscetor, it was you, your love, my love for you drove me to sucess"
I closed my eyes and moved my head foward, we met each other at the lips and kissed for the second time.
"Nothing can take us apart Ez, and we shall bring a new era to Mandalore"
"Yes, the era of House Wren and Clan Bridger"

Well, i put some references in their to chapter 13 of my latest story, star wars war for the galaxy, tell me it. And at ideas are welcome for oneshots, just keep it in the pg level if you can, till the next oneshot, may the force be with you.

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