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Davey and Jack walked into school, holding hands, just as they did ever since they had gotten together. The two stopped at their lockers, which weren't that far apart, before reconnecting their hands and making their way to the lunch room. They sat down in the back with their friends, and waited for the bell to ring for class. Of course, they had to deal with the loudness of their friends. 

"Race? Where did you get an entire bag of tater tots?" Elmer asked. 

"Places." Race gave a very specific response. Albert reached over to steal a tater tot, but Race smacked his hand. "No touching my tots." 

"Ugh." The redhead groaned. "You're so mean to me." 

"Yeah, yeah, love you too." Race rolled his eyes. Albert's face turned pink and he looked down at the table. 

"Specs? Are you wearing contacts?" Jojo asked. 

"No. Someone," Specs glared at Kid Blink. "Broke mine." 

Crutchie hobbled over to Jack, looking over his shoulder at a brunette girl who was smiling at him. 

"Hey, Jack, listen. I was wonderin' if you could get ridda her?" Crutchie asked. 

"She flirting with you?" Jack asked. 

"Yeah." Crutchie nodded. 

"Go back over. Put your crutch on the table next time she says something that bothers you, and I'll intervene." Jack ordered. Crutchie nodded, walking back over to the girl. After about three minutes, Crutchie placed his crutch on the table. "Hey!" Jack yelled from across the table. "Leave 'im alone." He ordered. The girl just looked at him. "Yeah, you. Back off. Can't ya see he ain't interested?" 

"How do you know he's not interested?" The girl challenged. "Can you read his mind?" 

"I'm his brother. I can tell." Jack rolled his eyes. "So scram." The girl scowled, but got up and walked back to her friends. The boy's returned to normal, or at least as normal as they were before. 

After first period, Jack and Davey walked to the halfway point between their classes. 

"I'll see you in a bit." Davey said with a smile on his face as he squeezed his boyfriend's hand. 

"See you in a bit." Jack kissed Davey quick before the taller boy walked away. Jack smiled as he watched his boyfriend go. He was about to turn around when someone behind him cleared their throat. 

"Mr. Kelly." Jack heard a voice growl. Jack's eyes widened in fear as he turned around to face his principal. 

"Oh, hey, Mr. Pulitzer." He plastered a grin on his face. "Long time no see. How have you been doing?" 

"My office, Mr. Kelly." Pulitzer ordered. 

"What did I do?" Jack asked. 

"My office." Pulitzer repeated. Jack turned on his heel and reluctantly followed Pulitzer to his office. 

Twenty five minutes later, Davey Jacobs was called down the the principal's office for the first time in his life. He felt his stomach doing flips the whole walk down. He could have chewed his lip off by the time he got there. Then, when he saw Jack sitting in a chair in front of Pulitzer, he nearly threw up. 

"What's going on?" Davey choked out when he stepped inside. 

"Take a seat, Mr. Jacobs." Pulitzer ordered. 

"Dave, I-" Jack started. 

"Uh-uh, Mr. Kelly. I will explain." Pulitzer interrupted. Jack sighed, crossing his arms. "Mr. Jacobs. I'm aware you are new, but are you aware of our schools rules against PDA?" 

"No, sir." Davey shook his head. 

"Well, then, I shall enlighten you." Pulitzer pulled out a book from his desk with gold lettering on the front. Davey didn't even bother reading it, he was too scared of what it might say. Pulitzer flipped through until he seemed to find the page he wanted, then handed the book to Jack. "Mr. Kelly. Care to read this aloud to the class?" 

"Which class? We're in a school." Jack tried to joke his way out. 

"Mr. Kelly." Pulitzer growled. 

"Oh, fine." Jack grabbed the book and read over the page. "Says here we ain't allowed to kiss in the hallways." He announced. 

"Exactly. Which is why, I'm afraid, you both must face consequences." Pulitzer put the handbook away. 

"Wait, wait, wait." Jack shook his head. "Wait a second." He ran his fingers through his hair. "You're tellin' me that I ain't allowed to kiss my boyfriend in the halls between classes?" 

"That's exactly what I'm telling you." Pulitzer nodded. 

"You had no problems with it when I was kissin' Katherine in the halls!" Jack defended himself. 

"You will not bring my daughter into this." Pulitzer ordered. 

"You know she'd agree with me." Jack crossed his arms. "This is complete BS!" 

"Mr. Kelly!" Pulitzer scolded. 

"What? I didn't say nothin' bad!" Jack exclaimed. 

"Listen, Mr. Pulitzer." Davey interjected. "I don't think either of us knew about this rule. If what Jack said before was true, then he had never been in trouble for PDA in the halls, which means he most likely didn't know. And I'm new, so I didn't exactly know what was in the handbook besides the dress code." 

"Nevertheless, Mr. Jacobs, you broke the rules. And that means you have to face the consequences." Pulitzer said firmly. 

"At least leave Davey outta this. He's never intentionally done anything wrong in his life!" Jack defended his boyfriend. "It's my fault, punish me if you really have to." 

"I'm sorry, Mr. Kelly, but both of you broke the rules, not just you. That means both of you," Pulitzer pointed to both boys. "Must face the consequences." Jack groaned, rolled his eyes, then slumped down in his seat. 

"This is so unfair." Jack mumbled like a toddler who had gotten in time out. 

"Life is unfair, Mr. Kelly. The sooner you realize that, the better." Pulitzer reminded. 

"You ain't my mother." Jack growled. 

"Speaking of your mother, both Miss. Medda Larkin and your parents, Mr. Jacobs, will be notified of this incident." Pulitzer announced. 

"What?" Davey's eyes widened. "Please, no. Don't." He shook his head. "No." 

"I'm sorry, but rules are rules." Pulitzer stated. 

"You know what, Joe?" Jack stood up. "This whole thing is dumb. Not once when I was dating Katherine were we called out for kissing or holding hands in the hallway. Yet the second we're through, and she broke up with me, by the way," He started. 

"Mr. Kelly." Pulitzer growled. 

"No, I'm not done. The second we're through, you go jumping all over me! You do know you can't punish me just cause I ain't dating your daughter anymore, right, Joe?" Jack continued. Then, he pulled Davey up and out of his seat. "And you know what, Joe? What's so wrong with this?" He pulled Davey in and kissed him quickly and passionately. "If you're pulling us in because we're two guys, we can sue you. Hell, I could sue you for punishing me over me and Kath-" Jack was cut off.  

"You're both suspended." Pulitzer announced. 

"What?" Jack exploded. 

"That punishment doesn't even fit what we did!" Davey was shaking. He couldn't be suspended. Especially in junior year. No college would ever want him now. 

"Well then, you shouldn't have argued." Pulitzer shrugged, picking up the phone. "Now, go back to class." With that, Jack took Davey's hand and stormed out of the room. 

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