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Somehow, Davey made it through every class in the morning without anything going wrong. Jack helped him find his English class and Race, who was in the Italian class right next to him, helped him find his German class. After that, he managed to find his classes by himself, thanks to Jack taking his map and his list of classes during English and marking with a highlighter where the classes were and which way to go. At lunch, Crutchie waved him down and made Davey sit with him, Jack, Race, and the rest of their friends.

It was a very loud lunch table, something Davey wasn't quite used to. At his old school, everything had been quieter, more organized. Still, he was growing to like things here. He sat between Crutchie and a boy who had been introduced as Henry.

David was picking at his lunch, not super hungry, as he listened to everything going on around him. He could only grab bits and pieces of conversations, picking up names here and there.

"Ay! Gimme back my glasses!"

"No can do, Specs."

"Jojo, ya can't eat two trays of mozzarella sticks, three orders of chicken nuggets, and two chocolate bars an' still be healthy"

"It's that time of year again fellas: the time where I only eat Rice Krispie Treats and candy canes."

"We learned how ta insult people like Shakespeare today in English, let's just say the Delancey brothers were very confused by my new nickname for 'em."

Halfway through lunch, a girl walked up to the group. "Hey boys." She smiled, putting a hand on Jack's shoulder.

"Kath!" Jack grinned, jumping up and kissing her cheek. "Dave, this is Katherine Plumber, my girlfriend." He informed Davey, who nodded.

"They've been dating for a year now. Kath is basically one of us." Henry informed him.

"Even though her dad hates us. He's the principal." Jojo spoke up.

"I thought our principal's name was Pulitzer?" Davey questioned.

"It is, but her parents divorced when she was young and she's registered in the school by her mother's maiden name." Specs explained.

Katherine sat down at the table in the empty seat next to Jack and stuck out her hand for Davey to shake. "It's nice to meet you..." She trailed off, asking for his name without asking for it.

"Davey." He shook her hand, smiling at her.

"It's nice to meet you Davey." She reaffirmed, pushing hair behind her ear. As Davey was pulled away into a conversation with Henry, she turned to Jack.

"He seems nice, I like him." Katherine said, looking over at Davey.

"Yeah, me too. Racer an' I took his schedule. He's got creative writing with you next period." Jack informed her.

"Consider his seat saved." She nodded, smiling a little.

"Ya know ya don't have ta do that, right?" Jack checked.

"I want to. He seems like a good kid, smart." She nodded.

"Ay! Don't go fallin' for him! I'm still here." He reminded Katherine, taking her hand and squeezing it.

"I know. You're the only one for me, Jack Kelly." Katherine grinned, kissing him softly. Race, upon noticing this, threw a napkin at them.

"Ay! No makin' out at the lunch table!" He yelled.

"Ah, you're just mad 'cause Spot Conlon ain't here to make out with you." Albert commented.

Race flushed, but still glared at him and started to stand. "Why I oughtta-"

"Boys! Boys, settle down. We don' wanna scare off Davey here an' make him think we're a bunch of ruffians, cause we ain't! Now siddown, Race. And Albert, stop eggin' him on." Jack ordered. Race, begrudgingly, sat down, mumbling to himself.

"Spot Conlon is Race's boyfriend. He doesn't go to this school, he's from Brooklyn." Crutchie whispered in Davey's ear. "He's about five four and absolutely terrifies most of us. They call him the king of Brooklyn. We don't know how Race managed to soften Spot, but he did. Don't get me wrong, he's still terrifying, but they're both happier now."

Davey made a mental note never to mess with Spot Conlon. He felt his phone buzz in his pocket a moment later, and pulled it out. It was a text from his older sister, Sarah, who was in college.

My Favorite Big Sister: Hey little bro. How's school going?

He smiled at the name Sarah had picked for herself in his phone, and sent back a quick text.

Davey: Alright. I'm at lunch now.

My Favorite Big Sister: Fun fun fun. Make sure you keep me in the loop with all of the tea in your new school.

Davey: Sar, I don't even know the drama yet, slow down. Why do you even care about what's happening in a high school?

My Favorite Big Sister: Because it's like a soap opera

Davey: You don't even watch soap operas

My Favorite Big Sister: I don't need to I've got high school drama to listen to

Davey: Yeah, alright Sar.

"Who ya textin?" Race interrupted, reading over his shoulder and prompting Davey to shut off his phone. "A pretty girl?" He teased.

"My sister." Davey mumbled in response.

"Oh. New boy's got a sister?" Albert teased in a mildly suggestive tone.

"Ay, back off." Henry came to his defense. "You want someone talkin' bout one o' us like that?"

"No, but-"

"Exactly. So back off."

Davey smiled gratefully at Henry, who nodded in response.

"Hey, Davey boy, you got plans after school?" Jack spoke up.

"No. Why?" Davey bit his lip a little.

"Cause, we works for the school newspaper. I was wonderin' if you would wanna join us?" He offered, raising an eyebrow.

Davey felt his phone buzz again in his pocket, but he ignored it. He nodded and smiled. "Yeah, that sounds like fun." As the bell to end lunch rang, Davey pulled out his phone ad sent one last quick text to Sarah.

Davey: Listen, I gotta go to class. I'll call you later and tell you about my day. But I think I'm gonna like it here.

My Favorite Big Sister: Yeah, okay little orphan Annie. But have fun!

Davey smiled as he walked out of the lunch room, talking with Katherine. So far, his new school wasn't so bad. Maybe transferring wasn't the end of the world.

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