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The next day before school the boys were all crowded in the cafeteria. Some of them were doing homework they had forgotten about the night before while others were playing cards. Race was very noticeably falling asleep while playing a game of Crazy 8's, and the other boys were teasing him for it. 

"Race, you look like you could use a cup or two of coffee." Elmer, who was finally back in school after being sick, pointed out. 

"He was just out too late last night with Spot." Albert said, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively. 

"Ah, can it." Race rubbed at his eyes. "We was just out in Central Park." 

"Yeah, an' then you was in his bedroom." Specs teased.

"Hey fellas!" Davey walked up to the group, smiling a little. "How's everyone's morning?" 

"Well isn't someone an early bird?" Race pulled a candy cane out from his backpack, glad to change the subject. 

"It's not really that early." Davey checked the time. 

"Well, wait a second. What time does you get up for school?" Jojo asked. 

"I dunno, like, six thirty?" Davey shrugged. "Why?"

"That explains it." Buttons rolled his eyes. "He gets ta sleep."

"What do you mean?" He questioned. 

"Lots of us live a little ways from the school, we's gots to get up a lot earlier than six thirty." Henry informed him. 

"I gets up at five." Romeo spoke up. 

"Five fifteen." Sniper added. 

"School may start at seven thirty, but it takes awhile to get here." Mike said, looking up from his math homework. 

"Boys!" Jack walked up to the table with Crutchie, a grin on his face. "I am here to announce the fifth annual Rockin' Christmas Party!" He announced, throwing his hands in the air at the end, nearly smacking Crutchie in the face. "Oh! Sorry, Crutch. Anyways, you all is invited. It's on the twenty second, and I will be accepting RSVP's until then."

"What time is it at this year?" Elmer asked, typing the information into his phone. 

"Starts at four." Jack told him. 

"What time does it end?" Davey asked. The boys all looked at him like he had four heads. "What? I just wanna know what time I should tell my mom to expect me home by." 

"Tell her it's a sleepover." Jack waved his hand dismissively. "We all usually end up passed out on the couch after a sugar rush anyways." The boys started to laugh. 

"It's not always sugar either!" Finch laughed. Davey blinked a few times, a bit concerned. 

"You is sure Miss. Medda is okay with the party?" Race checked. 

"She's been fine with it for the last five years, I'm sure she is fine with it now." Jack shrugged. 

"She said we could have it last night." Crutchie reassured Race. 

"Oh, and tell Spot he's welcome to come if he wants to." Jack added. 

"Will do." Race pulled out his phone, sending Spot a quick message. 

"Race? Can I have a candy cane?" Crutchie asked. 

"Yeah, sure." Race tossed the boy one from the stash he held in his backpack. 

"Can I have one?" Albert asked. 


"Why not? You gave Crutchie one."

"Yeah, but Crutchie is nice to me." Race responded, continuing to eat his own candy cane. 

"I is nice to you!" Albert complained

"No, you isn't!" 

"Yes I is!" Albert insisted. 

"Ugh, fine, but only cause you is gonna steal one anyways. But this is the last one." Race looked around, pointing at all the other boys. He pulled a candy cane out and handed it to Albert who grinned as he unwrapped it.

"I really don't wanna go to class." Elmer complained. 

"Then don't." Romeo replied, leaning his back against the wall. 

"But I got a test first period." 

"What class?"

"Chem." Elmer said, pulling a binder out of his backpack. 

"Ugh, I hate that class." Finch complained. "Bio is better."

"That's 'cause you is named after a bird." Sniper said. 

"I ain't denying it." Finch shrugged. 

"I'll help ya study, Elmer." Romeo offered, leaning over the table to take the binder. 

"Thank you." Elmer nodded. The two refocused on studying as Davey turned to Jack. 

"So, um, are you sure you want me at the party? I mean, I'm new here and you really don't have to invite me." He asked, a bit concerned. 

"Kinda sounds like you don't wanna go there, Dave." Jack raised an eyebrow.

"No! No, I do. I just, I'm new, and I don't want you to feel obligated to invite me." Davey explained. 

"If I didn't want ya there, I wouldn't ask ya. Besides, just cause you is new doesn't mean I haven't decided you is my friend now." Jack shrugged. 

"Oh, I, okay." Davey nodded, a small smile on his face. Jack turned to talk to Buttons, but Davey was still looking at him. Something about the shorter boy grabbed Davey's attention. Maybe it was his confidence, or maybe it was his eyes. Whatever it was, It was something Davey couldn't shake. 

"Ay, Dave, little help?" Romeo called him over with a question on Chemistry, snapping Davey back into the real world. 

"Yeah, yeah, I'm coming." Davey nodded, making his way over to help the boys study. It was too late, though, because Albert had noticed the staring. He gave Davey a look which the other boy just brushed off. 

"Hey, Al." Race turned to the redhead. "Me and Spot is gettin' together Thursday night. You wanna come with?" He offered. 

"You want me to third-wheel? Sorry Racer, but no way." Albert shook his head. He couldn't stand another night of watching Spot and Race be all couple-y while he was off to the side. ]

"You can bring that girl you been talkin' about." Race countered. 

"Nah, she ain't into me. And I wouldn't wanna put her through you two." He teased. 

"What d'ya mean by that?" Race raised an eyebrow. 

"Oh, Spot, I love you so much! I love you two Race." Albert started to mock the couple.

"We ain't like that!" Race defended. 

"Yes you is." The redhead nodded. At that moment, the two minute bell rang, prompting the boys to head to class, not a single one of them without a friend to walk with. 

(Woah, three chapters in three days? Who am I?)

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