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Upon leaving Elmer, Jack was furious. This wasn't the first time the Delancey's had beat up one of his friends and he was almost positive this wouldn't be the last. Still, if he took a stand, maybe they would leave him and his friends alone. Sure, Davey would be at least a little mad at him if he fought the duo, but he wasn't thinking straight, not that he ever did to begin with. 

Nevertheless, Jack went seeking out the Delancey brothers the second he left Elmer. Sure enough, he found them vaping on their uncle's back porch. 

"Oscar! Morris!" Jack yelled out to them, the anger clear in his voice. 

"Ah, our little pal Jack Kelly." Oscar grinned. "What are you doin' all the way up here?" 

"Ya beat up my friend, Delancey." Jack snarled. "Ya know why I is here." 

"What? To try and beat us up? You know you don't stand a chance, Kelly." Morris spoke up. 

"Oh, I ain't here to fight. I is here to talk it out." Jack admitted. "Thought it fair to give you a chance to apologize first." 

"Ain't that your boy toy's job?" Oscar fake pouted. 

"Davey? Oh, please. He was smarter at age five than you are now." Jack rolled his eyes. 

"What do you want, Kelly?" Morris asked. 

"I just told you. I'm here to talk." Jack crossed his arms. "I don't want to fight you, but I will if it comes to it." 

"Well then. I guess that's what it's coming to." Oscar shrugged, taking a step off the porch and towards Jack. 

That night, Jack knocked on Davey's door. He had only been over twice before, both times to do homework. He wasn't quite sure how his boyfriend would react, but Jack hadn't started the fight. So he stood there, waiting for his boyfriend to open the door. Sadly, it wasn't Davey who opened the door, but Les. 

"Jack?" Les questioned when he opened the door. "Is that you?" 

"Yeah it's me." Jack nodded. 

"Couldn't tell behind all the blood." Les mumbled. 

"Les who was at the..." Davey walked in. "Oh my god. Jack, come in. Go sit in the bathroom, you know where it is. I'm gonna grab the first aid kit." Davey walked into the kitchen. Jack took the walk of shame to the bathroom, trying to keep his nosebleed under control so that he didn't get blood on the Jacobs' floors. "What happened?" Davey asked the second he walked into the bathroom. Jack was sitting on the counter top, swinging his legs. He had a black eye similar to Elmer's and a bloody nose. He also had a few split knuckles and bruises lining his arms and face. 

"Fought a dragon. I won." Jack tried to play it off. 

"Jack. What happened?" Davey asked again. 

"I went to talk to the Delancey brothers. Sadly, they thought 'talk' means 'fight' and started throwing punches." Jack reported. 

"Oh no." Davey shook his head. "First Elmer, now you." He began to wipe the blood from Jack's face. "What were you even thinking?" He scolded. 

"I told you! I wanted to talk to them!" Jack defended himself. 

"What about Crutchie? What's he gonna think when you show up at home with these bruises?" Davey asked, making eye contact best he could with Jack. 

"That's kinda why I'm here." Jack admitted. "I was hoping you could help me cover them." 

"You can't cover a black eye, Jack." Davey shook his head.

"Well, could you at least make the bruises less noticeable?" Jack tried. 

"I can't do anything." Davey said, then sighed. "But I know somebody who can."

"Who?" Jack asked. 

"Sarah!" Davey yelled. 

"What?" A female voice yelled back. 

"I need your help!" Davey's head poked around the corner of the door. 

"With what?" Sarah yelled back again. 

"Just, bring your make up into the bathroom!" Davey ordered, cleaning Jack's knuckles. Two minutes later, Sarah made her way into the bathroom with a doughnut make up bag. 

"Who's she?" Jack asked. 

"My sister, Sarah." Davey informed. "Sarah, this is Jack. Jack, Sarah." Davey introduced the two. 

"Oh, this is the Jack you were telling me about?" Sarah raised an eyebrow. 

"You were talking about me?" Jack smirked. 

"Sarah, shut up." Davey mumbled, a light blush on his face. "But, yeah, this is Jack. And he got into a fight. He needs to hide the bruises." 

"Well, then, you called the right person." Sarah grinned. "I'm the make up expert of the house." She admitted. 

"Better get started then. I'm a bit banged up." Jack rubbed the back of his neck with his free hand. 

"All the bruises or the ones that are visible?" Sarah asked. 

"Visible." Jack responded. 

As Sarah got to work on the bruises on Jack's arms, Davey continued to patch up his boyfriend. 

"Why would this even have been a good idea?" Davey asked, still shaking his head.

"I didn't think they'd go right into fight mode!" Jack admitted. 

"It's the Delancey's! The only mode they have is fight mode!" Davey pointed out. 

"Delancey? Like Oscar and Morris Delancey?" Sarah asked. 

"Yeah. You know them?" Jack asked. 

"Yeah. They hang around with a couple of obnoxious kids on campus. They're even worse than the college kids are." Sarah informed. "I hate them." 

"Everyone does." Jack nodded. "They beat up our friend Elmer, that's why I went after them." 

Davey shook his head. "You shouldn't have gone after them." He mumbled again. 

"Yeah, well, I did." Jack shook his head. 

"Woah, bathroom party." Les walked into the room. 

"Get out Les." Sarah and Davey said at the same time. 

"Nope." Les shook his head, sitting on the edge of the tub. 

"Les, come on." Davey looked at his little brother. 

"I wanna see what's happening!" Les insisted. 

"Well, it's not for you to see." Sarah responded. 

"Then you really should have shut the door." Les shrugged. "What happened to Jack?" 

"Nothing, Les." Jack shook his head. 

"Obviously something." Les pointed out. "Your nose was bleeding when you came in." 

"Just some idiots, Les. Now, we need to get Jack fixed and out before mom and dad get home. So unless you're gonna help, get out." Sarah ordered. 

"Fine, I'll help." Les groaned. 

By the time Davey, Sarah, and Les's parents got home, Jack had been cleaned on out for two hours. The trio had cleaned up the bathroom and put everything back where it belonged. They were on the couch, watching a movie when their parents came through the door. 

"How was your afternoon?" Esther asked, a smile on her face. 

"Good." Sarah nodded. "How was lunch?" 

"It was delicious. But I have to use the bathroom, I'll be right back." Esther left the room for the bathroom. The three siblings widened their eyes at each other, and Davey felt a pang of fear in his heart when he heard a "Kids? Why is there blood in the bathroom?" 

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