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It is one of the ugliest emotions.

It brings out the worst in people.

It makes people resort to the worst measures to gain or retain what they believe is or was theirs.



The possessiveness of people furthers the jealousy.

"That is mine."

That is all it takes.

Those words is all it takes for the possessiveness to take over the human mind.

So they take away what you believed was yours.

And that little green gremlin inside you expands and turns you into something worse than the Hulk.

You fight for what you believe is yours.


The stereotypical relationship: girl loves guy. Guy dumps girl. Guy finds new girl.

After been heartbroken and feeling as though her heart is split in two, she will be jealous.

Jealous that the relationship is no longer hers.

Jealous that she won't be able to find someone like that again.

Thus the change happens.

She fights to get what was originally hers.

She changes to lure him back.

To lure him into her arms.

But unlike the movies:



Wanting something so badly and not getting it is similar.

Wanting it and then you feel like you are a balloon deflating.

Then turning into the prickly cactus that burst the balloon.

This cactus wants to be the best balloon again.

This cactus wants some recognition.

This cactus wishes not to feel this way.

Hopefully I will feel like a balloon again...

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