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I am distancing myself apparently.

Moving myself away from my friends.


I have noticed it.

I don't know if I have done it on purpose or accidentally.

It has just sort-of happened.


I have been hanging out with new people.

I have been having fun with other people.


My argument- relationships work two ways.

Just because I am distancing myself doesn't mean I don't feel shut out.

You all have inside jokes.

I don't share any classes with my friends.

I had to make new ones.

So now my friendship circle has grown.

I didn't mean to shut you out.


I didn't mean to distance myself.

I didn't mean to make new friends.

I like having more friends.

I am not going to be able to rely on you guys forever.

I don't know if I am going to see you guys a lot after this year- our final year.

We are moving our separate ways- possibly forever.

I recognise that we should be spending ever single last second together until we split up but-

I think I want some space.

Or just to rotate people.

New faces, new things to talk about.


Sometimes I feel like I am not allowed to get new friends.

But you don't control me.

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