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Its hard to be pretty
Everything you do they will see, even if
You try and pick your nose secretly
Their eyes will still catch you

Its hard to be smart, it means everything you know they need and want to know too, even if it means the evolution of
The cockroaches they are still in
For it

Its hard to be rich, it means
Its always on you
Your friends running after you
For just your money and the free stuff
The parties and everyone's all like 'Yo I'm broke can it be on you tonight?'

Its hard finding the one who's realy meant for you
Sometimes 'the one' that you had already met but decided to pass on it and let the chance slide, is realy your soul mate

Sometimes, even when you two don't get along very well, there are chances when you don't realize it but then the person you're mostly annoyed with, is actualy the person you're mostly thinking about and looking for

Relationships isn't perfect, you fight, you cry, you apologise, you get over it, you move on, you start all over again only this time with a better start then before

Sometimes, the person who makes you happy the most, the person you keep chasing after, isn't the one for you to be with

Sometimes, the person you tend to bicker, playfuly insult, the person you don't expect yourself to lean your head on their shoulder and isn't the one's you keep running and running after but is secretly the one who is running after you, is realy the one meant to be for you

Its hard to to be brave, it means keeping a tough appearance, never backs down, and is ready to show off your fearless side, everyone is afraid of something

Its hard to be cool, you need to keep up the badass reputation, the awesomeness, the cool aura on, people loose their cool, people tend to get under pressure, people tend to get stressed out, but that's why we have friends to be there for you and take away the stress

Its hard to always being alone most of your days, nobody has to be alone, you can't keep pushing people away, denying their offer of help, avoiding looks and ignoring them all the time, everyone needs the good company now and then, everyone needs someone to talk to and listen to

Its hard to move on, sometimes its easy sometimes its not, but its for the best, sometimes its better to forget about the darkness and step into the light, its hard letting go, its painful, but it'll be the one to make you feel better

Its hard to move on from the person you so loved so much, but he or she just leaves you as if you were nothing, throwing all the good memories to the trash can, but its better to forget about the person who never realy apreciated what you did for them and never so much as gives you a second look unless they need something from you

Sometimes we build walls around us, to keep us protected, gaurded, and safe, we put up a figure, a stoney look, and convincing everyone on the outside that you're ok and that they should just mind their own fucking bussness, while you slowly fall apart inside of those walls alone

We don't always have to do things alone, we don't always have to put up an act, a reputation, walls, because trust me when I say all you need are people who love you, friends who trust and will always be there for you, and a very very special person in your life, to make you stronger and better

Be yourself and people will like you
Trust yourself and people will cherish you
Love yourself and people will love you too

Move on from the past and step forward to the future, there has to be sacrifices to be made, loss, humilliation, sadness, dissapointment, trust, and it'll all pay off in the end

That's what I learned from my experiences

Dash smiled as she closed shut her journal and finnaly lay down next to Soarin in bed.

"Finnaly I've finnished my story" She whispered to herself. She's been writting her story to her journal. From her horrible birthday, to when she meets Soarin, to the following events that happened, The Finale Jam, Her last showdown with Quibble, and her 'Cinderrelo' experience. She planned on burrying her journal behind their backyard in a box so that the person who'll find it will know her story. Her adventure, her suffering, her love.

"I used to say love is just an empty word without meaning, well, guess I was wrong for once" She chuckled before snuggling closer to her soul mate. Tommorow was a big day for them. She took a quick glance to her white gown, to the pictures of her and Soarin and her best friends. Before falling asleep again

"I'm exactly where I'm supposed to be....gonne let the light shine on me...." she thought in her head.

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