More than Coincidence

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It's Friday, it's February, and it's freezing outside. I couldn't seem to stop writing, and now it's time for a chapter! (and I think it's my longest one yet). Sam is in for a busy day!

Chapter 6

The next morning, Sammy joined her mom in the mud room for breakfast, and Lucy was disheveled. Her hands were shaking, and her breathing was shallow. Her eyes were on the door, and she was barely keeping it together.

"I don't think I slept a wink, Sam. I'm so worried about him. He's not like this." Lucy was talking about Michael. She had been talking about him all morning, and as soon as she found out that he hadn't come home; oh God, she was a mess. Without giving away any details from the night before, Sammy cleared her throat.

"You're right. I don't know what's going on with him." She held out her hand for her mom to hold, and Lucy held to her tight. Lucy wasn't going to risk losing Samantha, too. They sat in silence for a while, and Sammy was trying to think of anything to distract her mom. Mike better have figured out a solution to their monster problem.

"Hey mom?" She started again, and Lucy looked to her to keep going. "Do you want to do something for Max? I feel real lousy that you ran out on him last night."

"I'd like that." Lucy agreed with a small smile, squeezing her hand. "Oh Sam, it's not your fault. I was worried about you, and I didn't think twice about it. I think he'll understand. Max said that he had sons of his own."

Michael came in not long after, and Sam came to the conclusion that they were still at square one. It would be useless for her to wait for him to come up with the answers to their monster problem. Lucy and Sam changed and got ready for the day, and headed into town with little mention of Michael. Lucy was in a much better mood thinking of getting Max an apology gift, and Gramps recommended Blood Thirsty, a wine shop that the widow Johnson owned. Lucy picked out a cheap bottle of Cabernet, and they set off with the directions towards Max's.

What they didn't anticipate was that Thorn wouldn't be so eager to see them. He snarled and attacked, leaving Lucy running for the gate. She dropped the bottle, red wine staining the white paint. Lucy didn't care. She had to get out of there! Thorn had taken a chunk out of her skirt, and Sam pulled her over the gate with all of her might. They were out of breath, startled, and didn't know what to do.

They took off for the boardwalk, Lucy wanting to stop at work and call Max with an apology in case he didn't see the shattered bottle of wine on his porch. In the meantime, Sam took off for the comic shop. She had to see the Frog Brothers.


"Does your brother sleep a lot?"

"Is he afraid of the sun?"

"Does he have bad breath?

"Long fingernails?" They asked back to back. Her head was spinning, and Sam was shaking her head at an alarming rate.

"I don't know!" She shot back, throwing her arms up in frustration. "He was floating and everything, and I was scared to death!" Sammy was exasperated. "I could see right through him, like he was a ghost! What am I supposed to do?"

"You could see through him?" Edgar asked in disbelief, and thought for a moment. "No shit?"

"Honest." She chirped, running over the the Vampires Everywhere comics. She was looking for an answer, anything to help her save Michael. Edgar and Alan shared a look, a hopeful look. It was as if all their lives they had been waiting for the moment to strike back against the attacks in Santa Carla; against the vampires.

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