Chapter One-New Popularity Rulers of New York-Part 1

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"Daddy, I want to have a gold ring?", Shelby asked her father.

"Princess, it is $US100,000".

"I want...".

"Princess, ask your Mom".


"Please, I have work to do".

"In the office?".

"Yes! She speaks to me every Saturday now because of the divorce; she's a pain in the ass. Always been that way since I fell in love with her when we were 15. Now I am 41 years' old Shelby, and I want you to get off your high horse...and believe in the new Popularity Rulers this year at Delta Delta Delta Sorority house".

"I'm the Queen Popularity Ruler, Daddy".

"And're older".


"Just act like a Sorority House Mom now...and let the next generation of girls some of the adulation you had before".


"Now, I have a writing job to complete Shelby. And my Princess will be going by limousine there. Bye!".

"Bye, Daddy!".

And they pressed the END CALL of their I-phone 6 cell phones...and the red glow slowly dimmed in their hands.


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