Chapter Eight; Traitor.

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Chapter Eight


“Today is the most important day of your training.” Landon announced seriously as we all sat around him in the beautiful 'hidden' field we'd been practicing in for two full weeks. I didn't know exactly what made it so hidden, it had no fences and it couldn't have been that far from Jace's dungeon-like place but Landon insisted it was unreachable.

“I'm going to let Clarise explain a little more.” Landon continued as he stood up and motioned for the woman with the short blonde hair and tight lipped face to come closer to our little circle. She smiled nervously before walking carefully towards us, her stilettos wobbling beneath her. Someone should've worn more sensible shoes...

“Hello kids, like Landon said today is the most important day of your training. I've gotten word that the war is starting really soon from very reputable sources and if you're not ready now...well then all hope is lost.” The woman explained as she pushed a strand of stringy blonde hair from her face. Her leather cat womanesque suit glinted from the light of the sun beaming down on her.

“So everyone please get up and follow me.” The woman motioned as she walked briskly towards the large oak tree a couple of feet away. All six of us, including Landon followed behind her closely as she stopped short right in front of the tree trunk. She placed a long, skinny finger on the rough bark and looked at each and every one of us.

“Who here can climb a tree?” She asked as everyone shifted uncomfortably, she seemed to be looking only at me when she spoke those words. I mean wasn't this supposed to be the most important day of training and she was asking us if we knew how to climb a tree?

“We're supposed to be learning how to fight, not how to climb stupid trees.” Sage muttered behind me as the woman pulled her attention from the tree and onto him, a serious look on her face as she squinted her eyes.

“Your powers aren't up to par. We'll work on them in a little while of course but if Jace was to find you say, right now you would all be useless and you would ruin everything for So it's highly likely that you'll have to do just that.” Clarise pointed out, her voice cold as ice as she smoothed all the creases off of her black, leather jacket.

“We all can climb trees. How do you think we escaped Jace's?” Joel reassured as a look of relief softened the womans usually tight-lipped features. She nodded her head slowly before walking closer to where we were standing.

“Okay we're going to do this like a team. I know Jace was teaching you all seperatly before but now...this is the real thing. Hopefully you guys aren't as horrible as you've been or else we're all in trouble.” Clarise motioned for us all to come closer to her as she turned her head, looking at where Jace and the woman with the long, precise brown hair were setting up a set of mean looking dummy robot things. I raised an eyebrow as we huddled around Clarise who was whispering something to Faye that I couldn't quite make out.

“I can help too!” Faye whined as her cheeks flushed pink. She pushed a strand of blonde hair out of her eyes, a determined look on her small face. Clarise kneeled down to her whispering something again and Faye walked away with a huff. I bit my lip as I watched dozens of dummies being set up on the opposite side of us, making it look like a true battlefield. Three kids with super powers and me who couldn't even do a proper cartwheel against a field full of grown men who may or may not possess powers themselves. I didn't see how we even had a chance at all but apparently the people who were on our side didn't see it either. I was seriously considering just climbing a tree when the real thing went down.

“What am I supposed to do exactly?” I asked, biting my lip as I looked around nervously.

“Stand in the center of them, the four of you make a circular shape around her as best as you can. If you feel weak try placing your hand on her. Skye if you see them being overwhelemed then concentrate on strengthining them.” I squinted my eyes as I looked at her, she had a reassuring smile on her tight lipped face before she half ran- half skipped to the other side of the field where Landon and the brunette woman were standing on some kind of glass platform that I hadn't noticed before, far away from the action.

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