late nights

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Got these ideas on pinterest❤


I was staring up at the ceiling, in bed having my usual late night thoughts. I turned to Daniel facing me, who was sleeping peacefully as his bare chest moved up and down. "Babe, are you up" I said poking his adorable face.

"Hm, mhm im up" he replied with his eyes still closed. "If a Guinea pig and a normal pig had a baby, would it be called a piggy or a Guinea pig" I asked as i saw the confusion on his face.
"If you and I had a baby would they have your cute smile and my blue eyes. Or your determination and my innocence" I blushed at his question. "I dont know" I said. "Hm guess we'll just have wait" he said finally opening his blue eyes. I smiled as he gently kissed my lips. "Night babe" he said pulling me into his warm chest and kiss my head. "Night seavey" I replied as I drifted off to sleep in my prince charmings arms.


After a whole day of shopping with my best friend jack we decided to go to my house for the night. I bought mostly clothes but I also bought this new chapstick that I've been wanting.

We were sitting on my bed, as I pulled the chapstick out of my shopping bag. I applied it when I found jack staring at me. "What flavor is that" he asked putting down his phone. "Uh, it's Sprite flavored actually" I giggled. "Oh cool, can I try" he replied getting closer. "Sure" I said handing him the stick. To my surprise soon grabbed my face kissed me passionately. I soon kissed back, enjoying the moment.
"Wow it does taste like sprite" he said pulling away with a amused face. I sat there in shock touching my lips, not regretting a single second.


I finally got out of the shower seeing Corbyn laying on my bed in his pajamas. "Omg finally I can brush my teeth" he said standing up. "Ya know brushing your teeth is the only time your cleaning your skeleton" I said putting my hair in a ponytail trying to not let my towel fall. "I love having a nerdy girlfriend" he said getting up.

"Hey I'm not nerdy" I said giggling. He laughed as he grabbed me and attacked my face with kisses.


Me and zach decided to have a late night discussion with each usual. "I'm sorry zach you just dont have a mean face" I said sitting criss cross on my bed. "Yes I do" he said having a tantrum like a three old.

"Proove it. Make me shake in my boots" I said giggling. He walked over to the bed and tried his best to make a mean face. "Aww your so cute" I said using a baby voice and booping his nose. He rolled his eyes playfully as he kissed my nose.


For some reason tonight, I can't sleep. Maybe it's because of the weird shadow on the wall. Or it's way too dark. Or I'm just not that tired and can't settle down. Maybe it's because I'm stressed. Could it be because I saw a scary movie a few days ago? Maybe it's way too hot. Quite possibly could be because I want to finish that book.

Or could it be becau- i soon heard my bedroom doorknob jiggle revealing a cute boy I know and love "hey babe. I know its late but I got us chipotle. I just couldn't sleep without you"

Now I know why I couldn't sleep. Because my cute boyfriend jonah wasn't playing beside me.

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