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Your mom was taking you and your older sister over to her friends house. She didn't want to leave you two alone so she made you go. You were only 4 at the time so you didn't care if you went with your mom or not. You were just playing with your favorite stuffed bunny and having a good time as any 4 year old would. "Why do you carry that stupid thing around all the time" your sister said. "Hey dats a bad word. You gonna get in trouble wit mommy" you yelled assuring your sister. She rolled her eyes and looked out the window to avoid you.

When you got there your mom unbuckled you from your car seat and held your hand as you walked to the door. When she opened it you saw a tall lady who must've been your mom's friend. "Hey Kristin how have you been" your mom said. They started talking a bit when her friend noticed you hiding behind her legs holding your bunny tight. "Hi im Mrs avery. What's your name" she said sqauting so she could get to your level. "I-im y/n" you said coming into viewing distance. "Well lucky for you a have a son your age who would love to play with you" she said pointing to her living room. Your mom picked you up as you walked in the house. "Jack sweety can you come here" Mrs avery yelled. You then saw a little who was your age come running from the living room. Your mom put you down so you could be face to face with Jack. "Y/n this is my son Jack. Jack this is my friends daughter y/n" Mrs avery said. You waved with your bunny in hand. He waved back kinda shy like. "Hey Jack why don't you and y/n go in the kitchen and get cookies" Mrs avery replied handing your mom a cup of coffee. Without hesitating Jack took you by the hand a led you to the kitchen.

"This is my kitchen" Jack said like it was some big accomplishment. He went to grab a step stool to reach the cookies. "Here one for you and one for your bunny" Jack said putting them on a paper plate. You smiled as you ate your cookie and pretended to let your bunny eat it. After you both were done eating your cookies you went to the living room to watch tv. You and Jack sat in the same chair while your put your bunny in a separate seat. Dragon tales was on and that was your favorite show to watch. You and Jack were singing the theme song and just laughing at eachother. You were just sitting there when you looked over to see if your bunny was ok. But out of pure shock it was gone. "Oh no my bunny where did it go" you said getting up from the chair. Jack started looking around and tried to help you as best as he could.

At this point you both have checked the entire house. You and Jack sat in the grass of his backyard thinking of what to do. "What am I supposed to do without my favorite bunny" you said starting to cry. "Aww don't cry. Im gonna find it for you" Jack said pulling you into a hug. "Y/n Its time to go home" your mom yelled. "Wait mommy I can't. My bunny is gone" you said running over to her. "Well we will try to find it later ok. We really need to go" your mom said. Dissappointed you waved bye to Jack as you started walking to the car. What you don't notice is that Jack caught up to you and had been holding your hand the whole way to the car. You hugged Jack good bye and then went on your way home.

That night you refused to go to sleep without your bunny. But some how your mom finally got you into your room. She was about to tuck you in but the doorbell inurupted her. She gave you a stern look as she went to open the door. "Y/n Can you come here sweety" your mom yelled. You ran out of your room and downstairs to the front door. When you got there you saw Jack holding your bunny. A big smile formed  on your face as you ran over to get your bunny but surprisingly you hugged Jack first. "Where did you find it" your mom asked. "Oh I don't know, in your older daughters bag that she also forgot" she said lifting up the bag. Your mom turned to your sister who was in the living room watching tv. She looked up in shock as your mom started to walk over to her.

That night your mom grounded your sister for two weeks and you had your bunny back along with a new best friend that you will forever love.

22 years later
You and your new husband jack were going through the attic to find some things you both might want at your house. You kept going through boxes when you found something familiar in one.  "Hey babe look what I found" you turned to say to Jack. When he looked up he saw you holding up your old bunny. "Wow I remember that" he said scooting towards you. "Im gonna keep" you said holding onto it. Jack had a questioning look on his face. "You know just In case our future kid would like it" you replied. Jack smiled and then gave you a quick kiss. The truth is having this bunny means alot because it lead you right to the love of your life.

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