the band mate that has a crush on you

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Y/n pov
Im on the couch watching tv with Daniel in the why don't we house. Me and Daniel have been dating for 8 months now and we are both happy with eachother. We cuddled up when I here Jack come done the stairs. He slightly rolls his eyes and walks over to us. "Hey Daniel can I have y/n for a couple of hours" he asked playing with the strings on his hoodie. "Um sure I guess. But why" daniel said cuddling a little closer. "I just want to hang out with my best friend. No harm" jack said putting his hands up in defense. Daniel looked at me then at Jack and finally gave in.

Me and Jack went to the skate park, ate ice cream, and then started walking to the docks. There was a comfortable silence between us and the sky's color went from Orange to pink. The silence was soon interrupted by jacks voice. "Hey I have a quick question" Jack stated. "Ok what's up" I replied. He took a deep breath in and exhaled obviously nervous. "So I really like this girl. She's funny, smart, adventurous, and all around beautiful. But the problem is she has a boyfriend and her boyfriend is one of my best friends. I don't want to hurt him at all but I really want her to be mine. What should I do" he asked both of us stopping in our tracks. "Well if you really like her just tell her. If she feels the same, cool. If she doesn't, than there are a bunch of other people out there waiting for a guy like you" I said feeling proud of my words.

"Here practice on me. Pretend im the girl you like and say to me what you would say to her" I said walking to a near by bench and patting next to me. He took in a deep breath once more and poured his heart out. "Look I was extremely scared to tell you this but here it goes. I've liked you since the moment I saw you. I was going to ask you out but I wasn't fast enough. You light my whole day even if I get a single text from you or just hear your voice. I know this is really sudden but I love you and always will...even if you will never love me back" his words brought tears to my eyes as I felt a little jealous of the girl he was going to say that to. "Wow Jack. That was beautiful. Now all you have to do is say it to the lucky girl" I said giving him a friendly kiss on the cheek. He scooted closer and closer to my face as his lips were right up to my ear. He then softly whispered "I just did."

Zachs pov
We were at an award show and we were all so excited. Even y/n was excited, but more excited to spend more time with Jack since the tour was over. I saw her fixing his hair and smiling as my face got red with rage. I turned back around in the mirror to fix my hair but it just wouldn't work the way I wanted it to. "Hey Zach you need some help" I here y/ns voice ask as she was walking over. I nodded as she brought me into the bathroom. She started running her fingers through my hair and styling it the way I told her. After she was done I looked in the mirror and it looked absolutely perfect. "Wow. Thank you so much" I said admiring her master piece. "Pft no problem. I do Jack hair all the time so im basically a pro" she stated. I let out a small fake laugh but she could see right through me. "What's wrong" she said putting her hand on my shoulder. "Uh nothing. Thanks for doing my hair by the way" I lied. She nodded as she left the bathroom to go back to Jack.

Before leaving for the show I got a call from my little brother Ryan. "Did you tell her how you feel yet" he ask frantically through the phone. "No I don't think I can" I said moving out into the hallway of our hotel. "Oh come on. It's not like she's gonna yell at you for liking her. You can't help it" he made a good point. "Yea but she loves Jack and I don't wanna ruin our friendship" I replied sliding my back down the wall. "I think you should just tell her" he said now making me frustrated. "WHAT DO YOU WANT ME TO DO. YELL TO THE WORLD 'HEY IM IN LOVE WITH Y/N L/N AND I ALWAYS WILL" little did I know the whole band including y/n was right behind me shocked. I turned and looked at y/ns face that was red from embarrassment. Tears stung my eyes as I ran to the elevator hearing footsteps behind me. I waited for the door to close but y/n got in just in time. We talked about it and how we should stay best friends. I agreed telling that there would still be a big spot in my heart left for her, and it would never leave.

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