I Love The Sound Of Guns In The Morning

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"Up and at 'em Transfers! Can't afford to be late!" Amar yelled as loud as he possibly could.

I think I prefer waking up to my old alarm clock every morning.

Despite the unpleasent end to a good night's sleep, I was still able to exit the dormitory before anyone else; Tobias and Hazel exiting a few minutes later.

Amar stared at us

"I don't think I've ever seen Transfers get ready so fast in all my years of training."

Amar then eyed Tobias for a moment, thinking he could go unnoticed, but I saw him. Why would he look at Tobias like that?

Hazel and Tobias were too busy walking aimlessly around the hallway to notice. Now this is getting awkward. I cleared my throat and Amar quickly glanced over at me.

"So are we going to the Pit this morning?" I asked.

"You'll go to the Pit after lunch to fight some more. We're shooting guns on the roof this morning." he replied.

Tobias, who nearly fell as he spun around to face me, looked overly excited.

"We're shooting guns?!"

He then regained his balance and Hazel spun around to face me as well.

"Yes, we are. Hopefully no one gets hit in the face today. I'm guessing it would hurt a helluva lot more than a knife." Amar stated.

He looked straight at Hazel as she blushed then turned away from me. For some reason the mention of knives made my cheek sting.

"I'm just joking with you Candor. Lighten up." he chuckled, "Do you three know how to get to the roof?"

We all shook our heads no.

"Not even you Nose?" he sighed, "Well then you'll have to wait for their slow asses to hurry up!"

He yelled those last words into the dormitory. Luckily the rest of the Transfers made their way into the hallway, starting with the Candor boy Brendon, and ending with the Amity buy Joshua. Amar led us to the roof which involved walking along various narrow pathways with no railings, and then walking up a few flights of stairs in the glass building.

It isn't much of a surprise that no one can ever see the entrance to Dauntless. It's surrounded by broken buildings, making it look like the other abandoned parts of the city. I think I used to mistake this sector for the Factionless sectors when I was young.

The roof looked just as it did when we jumped off of it nearly two days ago. It was covered in gravel, surrounded by a ledge about a foot tall. Wooden boards were placed on the opposite side of the roof, and they had outlines of people on them drawn in black paint. In the center of the board were three bright red circles. They were much simpler targets than the ones used for knife throwing, but built well enough to serve their purpose.

Amar started explaining the proper way to hold a gun, how to care for it, how to turn the safety on and off, etcetera, etcetera. Guns are very foreign to me. Yes I've read about them like I had read about knives, but I have never actually fired a gun before. I've never even been near one. They aren't exactly easy to come by in Erudite. I was intrigued to learn how to use one though.

We were each given a standard rifle, used by those who guard the fence. I took a moment to inspect it, to practice the correct stance, to get familiar with the gun that was resting in my hands. The others had begun shooting already. Hazel, who stood on my right, had gotten a few bullets close to the center ring of the target. Tobias, who stood to the right of Hazel, hit the center on the first try. Brendon stood to my left and was giving me a puzzled look.

"What are you doing with it?" he asked.

He fired at the target, hitting the second ring from the center.

"I..uh. I was just inspecting it. Why?"

"Your Erudite is showing, well other than those glasses of course. Are you any good with a gun?"

Am I? I've been standing here for the past five minutes holding it.

Brendon shot his gun a couple more times as I shrugged my shoulders.

"Let's see you shoot then. Maybe you're a natural at it like you were with knives."

Maybe I would be. Okay let's see. Raise the gun, inhale, and exhale.

I applied pressure to the trigger and the butt of the rifle flew back into my shoulder.

Although I was still standing the force caused me to take a few steps back

The bullet hit in between the second and third rings.

"Nice. Nice. Now try hitting the center." Brendon chuckled as he rested the top of the rifle on his shoulder.

"Okay Candor. Challenge accepted."

I took up the proper stance again, raising the gun in the air. Once it fired I took a step back like I had the previous time. The bullet landed in between the first and second rings.

"That was good Erudite, but it wasn't in the center."

Hazel dropped her gun and walked over to look at my target.

"Oh shut up Brendon. I for one think he did quite well for his first time shooting."

"Less talking more shooting Transfers! I wanna hear those bullets hit the targets!" Amar shouted.

Brendon, Hazel, and I returned our gaze to our targets

~Holy crap guys! Over 800 people have clicked on my story to view it. And I absolutely love all of you who have continued reading despite how long it takes me to update. I should update more frequently now. Please please please vote and comment. It could be constructive criticism (which I would love) or it could be you all yelling at me to update. (Just please no hate) Thank you guys so much! (I'll have to do a chapter pointing out the many fandom references I hide in these chapters. There are so many)~

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