Water or Coals?

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"E-Eric? Eric the Choosing Ceremony is in an hour. Come on open the door Eric."

I groaned.

Sunlight poured through my window into my eyes.

What did they say? Something's in an hour?

"Eric please get up. You'll be late for the Ceremony."

Nothing but energy seemed to course through my veins. I sat up. Today. Today I would choose.

Although before I could do that I had to get ready, and before I could do that I'd have to face Emma, who was knocking on my door. I grabbed some clothes, a swirl of heat raging in my chest at the thought of Emma. I opened the door.

Emma almost hit me in the face when I opened it. She seemed a bit surprised.

"Eric. You're awake. Listen about yesterday-"

"Get out of my way now. I'm not in the mood."

She spoke to me as if nothing was wrong, as if she didn't just reveal the heart shattering truth of our relationship as siblings.


"I swear to God if you don't move out of my way I will-"

"You'll what?" she asked.

I pushed her with one hand out of my doorway. Her back hit the hallway wall behind her. I then walked into the bathroom. My same boring morning routine followed apace. Emma was gone when I exited the bathroom.

I walked downstairs to see that my parents were making breakfast again. I was hungry, but I didn't want to see my parents.

"Hey Eric." my mother said.

I wonder if her and father knew that Emma told me everything, why they took a sudden interest in my life.

She smiled,"Want a ride to the Ceremony?"

"No," I replied sternly,"I'll walk there. I'm gonna leave now so I get there on time."

My mother was saying something about how I should eat but I walked out of the house before she could finish. Then I ran like I did yesterday. I liked the way I felt free while running. Maybe I could meet up with Laura when she gets off the train.

I got to the Hub, the building where the Ceremony takes place,within minutes. Thankfully so did the Dauntless. They all jumped out of the train, some rolling on the ground, some landing on their feet. Laura was one of the latter group.

She saw me and approached the place where I was standing.

"Hello there Erudless Eric."

What's something a Dauntless would say to that? Hmm....

"What in the actual fuck is an Erudless?"

I guess that's something.

"Yeah Erudite and Dauntless. You're technically still Erudite but you're mentally a Dauntless. I was bored last night." she exclaimed.

The nickname was catchy I'll admit.

My stomach growled due to lack-of-food. I hadn't eaten dinner or breakfast.

"Have you eaten yet?" she asked.

She must've heard my stomach.

"No. Didn't have dinner either."

"Mr.Erudless you have to eat."

She tugged on my arm and I followed her to a group of Dauntless. One of the boys looked a few years older than me. His black leather jacket was about three sizes too big for him.

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