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"Get up initiates! Come on! Wake up!"

I bolted up immediately from the pillow. Amar's voice is very loud, despite the fact that my bed is near the back of the dormitory next to the bathroom, nowhere near close to the doorway. Not everyone is as wide awake as I am. The only other one sitting upright is the pretty Candor girl. I noticed she also had a whole bunk to herself.

I quickly planted my feet on the ground, grabbed my shirt, jacket, and boots I removed the night before, and got to the showers before anyone else.

"The Pit! 8 minutes!" I hear Amar yell from the doorway.

I have already showered and gotten changed by the time the other initiates entered. Lucky for me that I get ready quick in the morning. I spent the remaining 3 minutes sitting on my bed, my glasses perched on the bridge of my nose, waiting for my new friend Tobias. The Candor girl walks out, putting her jacket on as she exits the dormitory.

Tobias comes out a minute later dressed in the same clothes as yesterday. We walked down the hallway towards the Pit where training would start in just a few minutes. Once we walked through the entrance Amar immediately gave me a funny look.

"Initiate why do you still have glasses from your old faction?" he asked.

It occurred to me just now that not many Dauntless wear glasses. Actually none of the Dauntless wear glasses.

"I uh need them sir." I replied.

"Ah I see. I suggest you take them off when fighting, consider getting some contacts later on. Oh and cut that 'sir' bullcrap. Just call me Amar."

"Okay Amar." I said.

Tobias and I looked around at the vastness of the room. The Pit was split into sections. Targets were lined up against one if the walls. Fighting platforms covered the center of the floor. And there was a large glass screen with our names on it, none of them in a particular order.

Amar led the 3 of us down toward the targets. We were too busy admiring the Pit, but the Candor girl just walked silently next to Amar.

"Maybe we should talk to her." I whispered to Tobias.

We fell a few feet back, away from Amar and the girl.

"Why?" he asked.

I shrugged and glanced over at the girl. Tobias took a moment, standing very rigid like normal Abnegation do, then followed my gaze. He grinned.

"I can tell you think she's hot Eric. I may have been Abnegation, but I'm not oblivious to the concept of love."

I pushed Tobias a little harder than I meant to and he stumbled backwards.

"Hey you two back there, save it for later when we fight!" Amar yelled jokingly.

The other initiates walked into the Pit; all of which were not fully awake yet. They made their way to where we were standing and Amar started speaking once we were all together.

"Alright Transfers! You have probably noticed the Dauntless-born aren't present. For Stage 1 you will be trained separately but ranked together."

He pointed to the large glass screen.

"That right there is the scoreboard. For right now you are placed in alphabetical order according to first name. That board will constantly change after every day of training. This morning we will focus on throwing knives. We will have an hour for lunch. Then we will meet at the gym to learn how to fight,"

Why the gym? Aren't there fighting platforms right over there? Odd.

"After 6 you are free to do whatever you like. No leaving the compound without a member of Dauntless got it?"

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