Cram School

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Yukio's P.O.V

I Began my speech of being the New Student Representative, the whole time i was wondering where my older brother rin was. Allthough i knew the awnser to that. I started to walk to the Excorcist Cram School, I was gonna be teaching since i was more than qualified for the job. I walked through the door and set my bag down.

"Take your seats, Class is about to start." i waited until everyone sat down. Wow this place is such a dump, why cant Pheles Mephesto fix it up a little? "My name is Yukio Okumura, adress me as Mr. Okumura please. I will be your Anti-Demon Pharmaceuticals Insturctor. Raise your hand if you dont have a tempaint?" i said, three students dont have tempaint okay three students dont. "Today we will draw out a goblin demon. Using a Fermentiad animal blood and milk. Goblins go Crazy of the animal blood and they like milk so we will draw a few out. yes you have a question?" I said.

"Why aren't they here right now?" asked Shima. A boy with bright pink hair.

"Good question they don't like places that have light or people". I answered.

Finally the class ended I was handing homework,  I was surprised when kamki's friend asked what age I was. I told her I was 15, she looked surprised guessing i was older.

I walked into a two person dorm no one i guess i was put here so i could study or something.  It's dark out already i guess i should sleep.  I saw in my dream Rin being tortured in a room that was so dark that even the torches didn't do much to see and blood spilling out of rin and blue fire coming from him showed his bloody wounds. "Oh stop please stop I won't betray you I swear!" Rin cried out, then I heard I will stop when you have 'completely' learned your lesson!" said an unknown voice.  beep... beep... beep... I awoke at 6 in the morning panting. "Rin I hope your okay". i went to get the hair out of my face to realize I was crying.

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