Chap 2 Part 3

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Clove (District 1)

I wake up in my bright pink room. How I hate pink.

“Clove!" Mary calls. “You must volunteer!"

“Go away. I'm sleeping!" I say and roll back over.

“Dad got a cupcake!" She says.

I jump out of bed and pull on a simple dress for now. I run to Ann's door.

“Wake  up you monster!" I yelled in. “Cupcakes!"

Then I ran to Lindsey's door.

“Of you don't wake up, I will... Ooo. You don't get hmmm cupcakes!"

I wake up all of my sister's making sure that know the cupcakes. Finally I come to Cody's door at the end of the hall. I knock.

“Cody?" I ask.

“I can't go." He says.

I walk away from his door. Knowing bad things will happen. Cody, the man of death. He can not go. But, sadly he will try.


After lunch we walk to the reaping area to get reaped. I watch Cody.

“Our tributes will be... Clove Sky-"

I smile and run up. No Cody sky.

“-And Marvel Light! Volunteers?"

Cody's hand shot up like a lightning bolt. “I'm Cody Sky!!!" He yells.

“Sorry. Your sister is already up here. You can't go."

Cody's eyes go to me. They lock on me. Lightning Zips off his fingertips. I dodge. Peacekeepers race at Cody. Cody's eyes turn to fire. Then he disappears in a ball of flame.

“Are you Okay?" Marvel asks.

“Yeah, Yeah. I'm a fine." I say.

I walk into a large building to say goodbye. My family doesn't come because of Cody. Then as I walk to the train a small girl gives me something.

“It can help you." She says.

Her eyes were ice blue. The way Cody's were. Then I was shoved onto the train.

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