Chapter 5

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Glimmer (district 12)

A chilly breeze enters through my window. I sit my the slowly Dieing fire. My sister Cya clutching her arm. Her arm was giving away blood from a fight. She wrapped it up. Then Shawn stabbed her.

“Glimmer! Please. I love you. I want to go home."

I watched her die. She was a horrible sister.

A train whizzed past on the coal track jolting me from my thoughts. I don't care about her. She was weak. Twelve is weak! Why do I have to be born in this stupid district! I barely know how to use a bow! I'm 17 for the world! I stomped down.

“Bad mood?" John asked.

“Shut up!" I yelled.

“Oh, ummm-"

“I said shut up!" I kicked him. This stupid district. I sat down and ate. The food was horrible. The one thing I knew how to do was make poisons. My mom always said.I was a poisonous girl. I smiled. How she was good.

“Back in the mood?" John said.

“No." I.said playfully and kicked.him.

I sat back in m chair.

“John. What if I volunteered?" I Saud.

“Your nuts." He plied.

“I would win!"

“No! you would die like Cya!"

Cya the brat the horrible. He called me her. I threw my chair back and ran out of the house. I've always thought about running away. Mom made me stay. Now that she died I feel like I should. I Climb over the fence and run deep into the woods. Then I see the pond.

Come on Glim. There is nothing to be afraid of." “Duh. I don't swim. Swimming is for dumb people." “No. Your just afraid." “Am not!" “Just try." “Fine. I trust you Jack." “I trust you too Glim." I stepped into the water. “Just move your arms and legs about." “My clothes are wet!" “Well, take them off Glim." I glared at him. “Change into bad clothes." “Turn our back. Please Jack." “Okay." Slowly he turned around. I quickly changed. “You look beautiful." “Still?" “Yeah." “Thanks."

I dragged myself away from my memory. Jack betrayed me. Went after Clara. I sighed and walked away and deeper. I went looking for berries and found the nightlock Bush.

“Berries!" “Don't eat them Rose!" “Why Cya?" “Those are nightlock." “Oh." I jumped out of the bushes. “Here. eat these." “Why Glimmer?" “I thought you wanted berries." “Sorry. I thought they were bad and you were trying to kill..." She instantly trailed off. “I didn't mean it!" “You will die!" I grabbed a handful of nightlock and stuffed them in her mouth. Her body fell  instantly on the ground. “What have you done?" Cya sheiks.

I felt that memory was great. How dare she kill me? Many memory lined this wood.

“Don't kill me!"

“Glimmer save me!"

“I hate you!" “Then you will die!" “Nooooo!"

“Stop glimmer!" “No."

“Not her!" “Shut up Cya!" “Your not in charge of her." “Okay. I'll kill you first." “No!"


“I love you. I will love you forever!" “Really?" “Yeah." “Even after this?"

“Who would kill these people?" “Glimmer?" “Shut up Rose." “But, you did." “What are you talking about?" “Glimmer?" “Go away Cya."

“It... It... It was you. You killed my sister?" “Yes and now you."

“You can not kill everyone because you hate them or because you live in twelve!"  “I can Cya."

I run back and pull away from all my thoughts.

“Reaping's at 1:00." John says.

I run. to the square. I do the bloodiest and then wait.

“Hello..I am Andrea Nice." Out escort says. “Boys first. Marvel Yellow!"

A tall boy walks up. He smiles at the crowd. No one likes him.

“Glimmer Qindridge!"

“And now for the boys. Shawn Yellow! For the girls my lucky tribute is Cya Qindridge." “Glimmer! Volunteer for me!" “Too bad Cya. I want to see you die."

“Glimmer Qindridge!"

“Oh, sorry." I said. “Just did not hear you."

I walk to the stage.

“Shake bands." Andrea says.

“You look great." Marvel. says.

I shake.

“And you took my hand."

“I hate you already." I say.

We get rushed inside a building. John does not come. Marvel has no one either. We both are in the same room.

“Hi." Marvel says.

“Shut up or I'll.kill you!"

“Come on. Glim."

I hate that.

“I'm not Glim."

“Well, it suits you Glim."

I glare at him.

“Your beautiful in that dress."

“Stop." I say.

“Really. Glim don't worry."

I get angrier as he speaks.

“I like you." He says.

“Well, tell your brother how thankful I am for killing my sister." I said.

“Glim, He-"


“Glim... Glim... Your so perfect."


He silences after that.

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