10: Potatoes

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Neji shakes his head and says, "The other thirty-one were-"

"I believe that that's sensitive information, Neji," interrupts Yamato as he is seen standing at the front door that he recently came in from.

"I apologize," mumbles Neji.

"Who were the other thirty-one?" you question.

"After all the information that you've already been given about yourself (y/n), I think that's enough. The Hokage doesn't wish for you to bear a bigger burden," states Yamato sternly.

"But it's just a simple question! Neji doesn't even have to specify, he could literally just say, 'Oh, it was some elderly and parts of the Anbu Force'. I'm not a baby- I can handle knowing that I killed innocent people!" you state in protest.

"I'm sorry (y/n), but I cannot let Neji, disclose anymore information," sternly says Yamato.

"Fine, but let me know one thing, is the beast still within me?" you ask.

Without hesitation, Yamato answers by saying, "Yes."

After such a heated discussion that got interrupted by your new bodyguard, Neji decides to go to his house and prepare himself for the next day. You prepare dinner for yourself and Yamato. As you two eat what you prepared; which was teriyaki and rice, you two have a conversation of your own.

"Why'd you have to butt in like that?" you ask.

"As I said before, the Hokage doesn't want you to carry an even bigger burden," answers Yamato.

"I've coped with the fact that I'm an orphan and that I've hurt Neji without even knowing so. I even dealt with the fact that Neji hated me for years until recently now. So, what's the big deal with knowing more? I know that I stole someone dear to Neji, and I'm really sad about it now. Of course, Neji is too, but there's nothing I can do about it. Plus, Neji forgave me-"

Yamato interrupts, "Neji never said he forgave you."

You stop and look at your plate of food. You begin eating again, but this time you had tears streaming down your face.

"I'm sorry that I had to bring that up, but I didn't want you to have the idea that you and Neji are on the best terms at the moment and somehow manage to dig each other in a deeper hole of sadness by acting as if you two were."

"Just how much did you hear out of our conversation before you stopped Neji?" you ask, feeling betrayed.

"Not much, I only heard your question. But, I assumed that he had told you that the beast within you killed his mother since your question was, 'Who were the other thirty-one?' I don't lie (y/n). I always keep my word," says Yamato, making you not feel betrayed anymore. "Plus, I heard the conversation between you and your other two friends. Neji may not have heard, but I did."

You sigh and ask, "So like, are you just gonna play the dad role now?"

Yamato chuckles and says, "Just finish up eating and get prepared for bed. I assume that you have something to do tomorrow, so when should I wake you up?"

"I would appreciate it if you could wake me up at six in the morning," you say finishing off the last of your rice.

"Yes ma'am! I'll also do the dishes while you get prepared for bed, so please come back if you're finished while I'm not," insists Yamato as he takes his and your dirtied plates, silverware, and cups and heads for the sink.

You do as he says and get prepared for bed by doing your daily things such as getting pajamas on and brushing your teeth. Due to your thoroughness when it comes to brushing your teeth, Yamato finishes his task before you finish yours. Once you finish, you head to your room to find Yamato sitting in a chair reading one of the novels you bought at the market in Konoha.

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