22: Blub Blub B!tch

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Blub blub blub.

A similar feeling was felt and you knew in an instant where you were. Floating within the deep waters once more, you begin swimming towards the familiar cave. It was not before long until you were face to face with the giant koi fish again.

"Before you say anything, don't you dare swallow me again without warning! And don't get me started on puking up fish!" you yell, frantically pointing your finger at the giant koi fish as it chuckles a little.

"Congratulations on your win, (y/n). Your ancestors are proud. Although, we all disliked how you played around at first. If you had taken it seriously, then perhaps you wouldn't be in the situation you're in now," bluntly states the giant fish.

"Thanks, but my battle from before didn't make this as easy as you guys think. And Sakura.. Although she is an annoying bimbo, she's a strong-willed girl. As much as I dislike her now, I know that she'll be a great ally in the future. However, she needed a wake-up call," you state, not giving in to the koi fish's supposed disappointment.

"You're well beyond your years, (y/n). We'd expect nothing less."

"Alright, enough with your disappointment and flattery, why are we here?" you ask, attempting to cut straight to the point.

"Well (y/n), with your current condition now.. one might have said you over done it."

"What do you mean? Am I dying?"

"No, but you're vulnerable right now."

"I'm in good hands though, right?"

"Good hands aren't so good when they're unconscious."


"(Y/n), do you remember a couple years ago when you were attacked?"

You thought about the attack you and Neji experienced in the Hokage's office almost two years ago. You were assigned a body guard who became somewhat of a father figure within the year or so he spent with you. Yamato was assigned another mission a few months back before the exams as "I" or anyone else for that matter had not shown their faces in a while. Plus, security around the walls of Konohagakure tightened and were basically impenetrable.

However, you were currently not within the walls of Konohakagure as this exam is taking place right outside. This was the perfect opportunity for anyone to strike if they wanted to. Being vulnerable and unconscious, you knew now would be a good time for anyone to take advantage of that.

"What can I do?" you ask, your paranoia getting the best of you.

"How good is your chakra control?"

"It's impeccable, why?"

"Do you know how fish blow bubbles?"

"Uh? I don't know, I could ask you the same thing?"

"Much like your mother, your attitude prevails," sighs the koi fish.

"My mom was hella cool, so you should be fortunate," you retort back with a cheeky smile.

"Yeah... I suppose," mumbles the koi fish as if he was experiencing sadness at the thought of your mother. "Anyways, fish blow bubbles by swimming to the surface of the water, inhaling air above, and opening their mouths once under water again. Thus, releasing the trapped air and creating saliva bubbles."

"That's cool and all, but how does that help me?"

"Well, (y/n), your clan had a strong connection with koi fish. Therefore, you possess many abilities related to fish in general. Meaning-"

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