4: Outburst

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"FIVE!" yells Neji as he clenches his fists. You flinch at Neji's sudden outburst.

"S-Sorry Neji!" you say with an awkward laugh.

"SORRY!?" yells Neji even louder.

"N-Neji! It was an acci-" Rock Lee is cut off by Neji punching a tree and almost hitting Lee himself. "N-Never mind."

"Now now, lets not stir things up, lets save that for our training today," says Guy-Sensei with a smile.

Neji's brows furrow as he crosses his arms. You decide this was one of those times where you should give Neji space. So you stand in between Rock Lee and Tenten, who was also keeping their distance from Neji.

"Well, I've assigned training partners for today. You two will spar however you'd like, but please do not take it too far!" says Guy-Sensei as he gives a thumbs up with a radiating smile and wink.

You hoped that you and Tenten would be training partners for the day since you two were already best friends. But instead of Tenten, you were Neji's partner. You were thrilled and all, but felt that Neji was gonna beat you to a pulp. Though, you were ready to rise up and fight back if things were going to get that brutal.

You and Neji decide to work on taijutsu while Rock Lee and Tenten work on throwing Kunai and Shuriken on the other side of the training field. There were two logs standing before you and Neji.

"Well, if you're not too afraid of bloodshed, then start doing whatever taijutsu things you do to the log," mumbles the still irritated Neji.

"Yes sir!" you say as you salute to Neji and give him a special (y/n) smile.

"Tch," mumbles Neji as he taps into his Byakugan and gets in fighting stance. "Gentle Fist!"

Neji rapidly starts to puncture his log as much as he could.

You stood there and thought about what you could do. Finally, a light bulb came and you got into your fighting stance.

"Fists of water!" you shout as water covers your closed fists as if it was a glove.

You begin to punch your log repeatedly until Guy-Sensei said it was time for lunch.

"Wow Neji! That Gentle Fist move was cool!" you say as you look at his damaged log.

"Whatever, what kind of scaredy cat move did you use?" questions Neji as he analyzes the water dripping from your hands.

"Scaredy cat move? Excuse you Neji Hyuga, but using water gloves can do more than protecting your fists from injury!" you yell annoyed that Neji did not say thank you.

"Tch, only someone as dumb as you would use water gloves," mumbles Neji.

"What! These water gloves increase taijutsu attack, and if you can manipulate the water using some ninjutsu, then you can do really cool things!" you yell angrily.

"Wow, I knew girls couldn't compare to males in taijutsu. Not only do you suck at reading time, you have to use some lame move to help in your pathetic punching abilities," scoffs Neji.

"Neji! Why do you hate me?" you yell, causing all the attention to be on you and Neji.

You looked at Neji with tears at the corner of your eyes. Neji looked back at you with utter hate.

"Because (y/n) (l/n), inside of you is a monster that I absolutely want nothing to do with. I don't care if you're nice to me after what you did. It doesn't make up for the fact that you killed my mother after I had no one else left. You sorry excuse of a (l/n)!" yells Neji with pure hatred in his voice.

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