1: The Relationship

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You had finally become a genin. You walked out the Academy gates and saw a certain Hyuga. You ran up in front of Neji and decided to ask him if he'd spar with you.

"Go away (y/n), you're such a pest," grunts Neji.

"Come on Neji, would you just spar with me man. Man to woMAN?" you say to Neji with a chuckle.

"One, I'm considered to still be a boy, two, you'd be considered as a girl still, and three, leave me alone," says Neji as he walks pass you.

"Okay okay, wanna go get some ramen instead?" you ask as you block his path again.

"What part of, 'Go away,' and 'Leave me alone,' do you not understand?" questions Neji as he becomes irritated.

"I don't understand it at all buddy, how about we sit down under that nearby tree for shade and you can explain these things to me?" you say with a smile.

Neji only shook his head and ran right pass you.

"Ah, so I see he's playing hard to get. I suppose he wants me to chase after him as well?" you thought to yourself as you ran right after Neji.

Your relationship with Neji was uh, way below friends. In your opinion, you thought that you two were best best best times infinity best friends. In Neji's opinion, he thought that you were a nuisance, pest, problem, any other synonyms of those three words. But in conclusion, it was a hate-love relationship. You never knew why Neji disliked you so much, but that didn't matter because you still liked him. And no, you didn't like him as your best best best times infinity best friend, you liked him more than that.

"I said go away!" whines the Hyuga as he picks up his pace.

"No way!" you say with determination as you pick up your pace. "I'm going to catch you this time for sure!"

"I swear! Every time I run doesn't give you a free ticket to chase me!" yells Neji as he turns a corner.

You follow his movement and say, "But Neji! We're on the same team!"

What you said made Neji stop in his tracks and that action causes you to run into Neji. As a result, you were sitting on his stomach as he was laid out on the ground. You grin as you realize that you caught Neji. He aggressively shoves you off him and stands up. You stand to face him as well.

"What did you say?" questions Neji.

"We're on the same team!" you say as you throw your arms up in the air with excitement.

"What? No, a team consists of three usually," states Neji. "I'm on a team with a girl named Tenten and a boy named Rock Lee."

"And me! I was the odd one in our class, so sensei put me on your team," you explain with a smile.


Neji's face went pale.

"What's wrong Neji?" you question as you get on your tip-toes to feel Neji's head. "You feel like you have a fever."

"That's absurd! I don't feel si-" Neji was cut off as he fell into your arms.

"Hm, maybe it's fatigue? It does seem that he trains very hard," you say in your head as you analyze Neji's bandages. You hoist Neji onto your back and begin to walk to his place, which was right next door to your house.

(A/N: So, I really hated the ending on the last Neji x Reader I created, mainly because you two didn't really end up together, hence the title being, "Before I Lost Him." It was gonna happen and you know it. Anyways, I decided to slave away and make you another to make up for Neji's death. No need to thank me, I know, I'm awesome... and perhaps a little narcissistic..?)

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