Words from the Author

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It has been quite a while since I watched the Yu-Gi-Oh series. I remember growing up with Yugi Muto and the gang in the early 2000s and I wrote a bunch of fanfiction in honor of the show. As time passed, I completely forgot about it. It was not until recently I revisited the series thanks to LittleKurioh's abridged Internet series and the release of the series on Amazon Prime. Re-watching the show brought me back to my childhood and I thought about revisiting my old work. However, there was one key factor in creating this story. While I was searching on YouTube for all things Yu-Gi-Oh, I came across the 2016 Duel Monsters World Championship Tournament. The two duelists were none other than Yugi and Kaiba voiced by their respected English dubbed actors, Dan Green and Eric Stewart. I felt as though I was watching a lost episode. I was at the edge of my seat and one card peaked my interest; The True Name. Immediately, I recognized the symbolic meaning of the card and a story from one of my past writings resurfaced.

Much of the inspiration is taken from the Yu-Gi-Oh world (English dubbed and Japaneses) and some research I did while visiting the library. I also drew some inspiration from watching old classic monumental movies such as Ben Hurr  and The Ten Commandments and even listening to the soundtrack of Yu-Gi-Oh and The Prince of Egypt. I hope you all will enjoy this trip down memory lane as we all rediscover the true power of the Nameless Pharaoh and the mysterious girl, Safiya.

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