Chapter 8- In Which All Is Revealed

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We were all pretty much frozen. My mind refused to accept what I had just seen. It was impossible. Mythical creatures did not exist and certainly weren't surrounding me.

I take it back. I could sort of believe the really muscular armored people. I didn't know how they changed, but that was the one I could most accept.

Suddenly, Talia burst out laughing. "See, when you told me I was insane before, I sort of believed it. Now I'm totally convinced."

I nodded. "I didn't even think about that." Suddenly, I was extremely relieved. My mind didn't have to accept the impossible. I was crazy. That was all there was to it.

Mrs. Simone smiled. "Oh girls, but if what you just saw was a vision in your head, how come you all saw the same thing?"

My mouth opened, and then closed. I didn't have an answer for that.

"Hey," Audrey said, "those visions we saw before, when we fainted. They were all the same. I talked to Sierra about it."

Mrs. Simone nodded. "And that's a good place to start." She and the other girls pulled their table over to ours. Then Mrs. Simone pulled a chair over and sat. "To start, I'll just tell you what you are: you are a Myth, which is a creature. A Myth can transform into five different forms, which you just saw: warrior, unicorn, mermaid, fairy and phoenix. You can also change into derivatives of that, such as a fairy with different wings, or a pegasus instead of a unicorn."

I was dumbstruck. Here was an adult, telling me I was a unicorn like she was discussing lunch plans.

"Now those visions you saw when you fainted were your body recognizing what you are and trying to tell you. Remember them, because they'll help when you're trying to transform later."

Just then, a floating platter came up to our table. I gawked. I checked underneath it. Yep, it was actually floating.

Invisible hands began spooning good onto my plate. Mrs. Simone chuckled at our faces. "We have an alliance with a sorcerer's guild up north. They enchanted our platters. Now, back to explaining. The first vision that you should've seen was the one with the river. That was reaching towards your mermaid qualities. Mermaids are based on the feelings of peace, freedom, and free flow." I nodded. It made sense I guess.

"The second one you should've seen, though occasionally it's out of order, was about your unicorn or pegasus form. If you dreamed of the unicorn, you should have walked up to someone and healed them. A pegasus would have simply run and flew into the sky." I guess I had seen the pegasus, because I definitely hadn't healed anyone. Mrs. Simone continued. "Either way, you should have felt an almost overwhelming sense of purity and goodwill." I looked around and saw everyone nodding. This was too weird.

"The third one was the warrior. Some argue that they aren't really mythical creatures, but once you transform into one, you'll agree that they definitely are. The warrior is based on strength, bravery, and truth." Truth, I thought. Now that I looked back on my vision I could believe that.

"The fourth is the phoenix," Mrs. Simone continued. "Phoenixes are full of majesty, beauty, and most importantly, hope." I nodded harder at that. "Phoenixes were used in battles to give heart to troops back in the day when the magical world still had wars.

"And finally, there is the fairy," Mrs. Simone said smiling. "Fairies, at least for Myths, can be human size or small, what we call pixie size. Fairies are full of many good things, light, life, but most importantly, joy. I think you all remember laughing when you woke up from that particular episode. That's because the level of joy was so high you're body couldn't help it." She smiled. "It's a wonderful feeling, is it not?"

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