Chapter 32- In Which We Head Home

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We were packing, getting ready to go home. The rest of the girls had already packed. It wasn't until we got up to our room that we realized, there was nothing to pack but Sophie's book.

We changed out of our uniforms into the clothes we had worn on the way there. Then we sat on our beds, silently.

"Why do you think she turned evil?" Sophie said quietly after a moment. "You said she used to be a nice person. What happened?"

I shrugged. "I don't know. I guess she was really mad about them taking Juan or whatever."

"That doesn't make sense," Audrey said, flopping down on the bed. "At all."

"I feel like...something else happened," Sophie said, sitting cross-legged. "I mean, I would think she would just want him back. It's not like they killed him."

I was silent for a moment, thinking of Alice. "Maybe Marietta and Walt died."

"Or someone told Giselle that Juan died," Audrey mused.

I turned my head sharply. "You think someone else is a part of this?"

Sophie gasped. "Someone worse?"

Audrey shrugged. "It makes sense."

Sophie's eyes widened. "That's...terrifying. Giselle was so powerful!"

"I didn't say more powerful," Audrey said, "I said someone worse. Meaner. Not twisted with grief. Just twisted in general."

"I hope you're wrong," Sophie whispered.

I couldn't speak. Something had just occurred to me, and I didn't like it.

"Guys..." I said slowly. "I think Audrey is right."

"Dang it," Audrey muttered.

"No, listen," I said with sudden intensity. "When we were fighting the tormentors, the emotions we used were the opposite of whatever the tormentor was. We were equally matched. It was a struggle to win."

"Yeah," Sophie whispered.

"But when I fought Giselle..." The answer was right there, on the tip of my tongue. I took a breath and tried to put my thoughts together. "I think Giselle was like a tormentor of hate. But instead of making you feel that way, she fought with it. I then used the Myth form of love. I think...all the other Myth forms are a branch of that. Love is the most powerful."

They were silent for a moment. Then Audrey spoke. "And you think hate is the most powerful of the, um, bad emotions? The opposite of love? That makes sense."

"That's just the thing," I said, frustrated, thumping my head into my hands. "I don't think it's the opposite. When I started fighting back, there was no struggle. Don't you get it?" I clenched my hair in my hands. "It was too easy."

"So..." Audrey said slowly, "there's a worse emotion out there. Something that's an equal match to love."

I nodded. "Yes."

Audrey let out a low whistle. "Wow. That's not good. And here I thought our adventures were over."

"I didn't," Sophie said quietly. "I know this may sound strange, but...these past two weeks...have been the best of my entire life. I wouldn't trade them for the world."

I nodded. "Me too." I looked up at them and smiled. "But I don't think it's that weird."

Sophie returned my smile. Audrey sat up and smiled too.

And the thought came to mind again, even though I already knew it was true: I had the best friends in the entire world.


We stood on the deck of the Queen Titania, looking back at the school we loved so much. It still hurt to look at, it was so bright.

Mrs. Simone stood on the shore of the island, smiling brightly. Ms. Catalona and Ms. McCarty were taking us back.

"Bye girls!" Mrs. Simone yelled. "We'll see you in two weeks!"

We all waved back as the ship began to pick up speed, getting farther and farther away.

"I don't want to go back," Audrey complained. "The orphanage is so freaking boring!"

"Ah, I have a gift for you Audrey, thank you for reminding me," Ms. Catalona said from behind us. We whirled around. She was holding two small books, one dark blue, one deep green. She handed the green one to Audrey and the blue one to me. "I'm afraid these aren't quite as big as Sophie's, but at least they'll help with the boredom. And I can help you set up a MyMagicSpace if you'd like."

We stood for a moment, staring at the books. Then a smile crept onto our faces. Maybe spring break wouldn't be so bad after all.

Myths: The Folklore TrilogyWhere stories live. Discover now