Chapter 6- In Which We Sail

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The boat ride was long. I honestly had no idea where we were going, what island there was of the coast of North Carolina that a school could be hidden on. I mean, there's the outer banks, but this far out at sea...?

Audrey and I talked about names for Tess for hours, it seemed. My favorite ones were:

~Bratz Doll

~Over-frosted cupcake

~Barbie Knock-off


The last one finally coaxed a small laugh out of Sophie. I was glad. She was so quiet it made me sad, as if she wasn't sure how to have friends at all.

Eventually, the three girls that seemed to be a group now wandered over. Taylor, the girl with the short hair, waved. "Hey guys. I feel like we should be more properly introduced, not just names you know?" We nodded. That sounded good.

Taylor sat down. "So, I'm Taylor. Hobbies include soccer and passions include smoothies." She motioned for the other girls to sit with her.

The long dark haired girl spoke next. "Hey, I'm Talia, I like...track and field, and my favorite food is anything chocolate."

The sandy haired girl looked around. "Oh is it my turn? Sorry. Ok, so my name is Ashlyn, and I like scrapbooking and uhhhh...Popsicles?"

I laughed. "Works for me," I said with a grin. "My name is Sierra. I like the theatrical arts and my favorite food is...blueberry muffins." I'm obsessed with muffins. Blueberry is my all time favorite.

Audrey decided to go next. "I'm Audrey, fun fact about me I don't have a last name so don't ask, I like tae kwon do, my favorite food is cheese, and I hate Tess Varela."

The girls laughed, and even Sophie smiled a little. "My name is Sophie. I like to write stuff. My favorite food I think is ice cream. Probably vanilla." She spoke with her head down.

I understood that the poor girl was shy but she spoke with her head down all the time, as if she was apologizing for her very presence.

Taylor, however, saved what might have been an awkward moment. "So, what were you guys talking about before we so rudely butted in?" Audrey grinned. "Creative nicknames for Tess."

"I think my favorite is Bratz Doll," I mused. The three girls laughed. "I like this game," Ashlyn said.

"Oh how about vixen?" Talia suggested. "You know, like a female fox?"

Audrey grinned wider. "I see what you did there...I like it."

I don't think we came up with any more really good ones, but i remember my sides hurt because I laughed so much that night.


The mirror was there, and again there was mist. I could only see water, but anything above it was beyond the human eye. I gazed into the mirror, squinting fruitlessly. Then suddenly, something emerged from the endless clouds.

A castle.


"Girls, it's time to wake up," a voice said, sounding mischievous. "You won't want to miss this."

I slowly opened my eyes. Whyyyyyyy. It was too early...

Suddenly my eyes snapped open. Where the heck was I? All I could see was grey and swirls. What the...

I sat up, but I couldn't see a thing. I could hear exclamations from around me. Someone shrieked.

"Girls calm down," the woman said. I recognized the voice. "It's just a little foggy that's all." It was Mrs. Simone.

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