Chapter 15- In Which the World Gets Significantly Brighter

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Yeah I know it's late :( sorry


Being a phoenix is 100 times more amazing than you could ever dream. I was flying with all the power of fire, the intensity of its burn, the grace of its flame. And I was filled with confidence. Confidence in myself, confidence in the world around me, pure faith in kindness, compassion, and love. I felt amazing.

And flying right by my side was an orange phoenix and a smaller, yellowish one. I grinned. As if one being, we angled our wings and coasted to the ground. It was as easy as flicking my hand, because this time, I had confidence. I had faith. I had hope.

Because maybe hope isn't just believing that something good will come out of something bad. Maybe hope is the thing that washes away all that uncertainty you've been harboring for years. It makes you stand strong because you know, you just know, that everything is going to be ok. And maybe that's what makes hope so strong.

We landed and transformed back to humans. And then we smiled. And class was dismissed.

In Usage, we learned that the chocolate Ms. Catalona had given me to calm my nerves had phoenix feathers in the raspberry stuff, as did the tea she gave my mother. We also learned that the cool thing she had pressed on my head to stop the fairy reaction was a mermaid scale.

My mother. I felt a surge of guilt. We had written me a letter that had arrived yesterday (the school has a P.O. box on land that Ms. Catalona makes weekly trips to), but I hadn't even read it yet, much less written back. She was probably worried. I would have to write to her tomorrow after lunch. How could I forget about her? What kind of daughter was I?

I felt a cool hand on my forehead. I looked up to the calming face of Ms. Iseri. I smiled wanly, though a little confused. This was Ms. Klasson's class. Why was she here?

"You are distressed," she whispered. "You worry about others more than yourself. Try to be happy for yourself once in a while."

And then she walked out, leaving me to wonder why she had been there in the first place.


I was so excited I practically flew out of bed. We were going to be fairies today! I don't know why being a fairy excited me so much, but something about it sent a thrill up my spine.

I literally bounced around so much I hit a wall lamp.

I decided to put in the butterfly clip that Olivia had given me instead of one of the school ones. I felt a little a nervous about breaking the rules, but Audrey wore the outfit she had brought from home practically every day, and they never actually TOLD us we had to wear the uniforms, so I didn't think I would get in trouble.

I was calm by the time we got to transformation class, thanks to Meditation. I was really beginning to appreciate the value of that class. It really helped me focus my thoughts. And prevented me from hitting any more wall lamps.

Ms. Hawthorn walked out looking frustrated about something. But, then again, she usually does. We waited, staring at her intently, and I think Talia was holding her breath. I honestly didn't blame her. Ms. Hawthorn turned to looked at us. She sighed. "Well, today you're going to be fairies, and Ms. McCarty will be teaching you." Her eyes narrowed. "When she shows up."

Just then, Ms. McCarty rushed out into the courtyard. "Sorry I'm late," she tittered nervously. Ms. Hawthorn glared at her. Ms. McCarty took a moment to compose herself. "Ok, she said, flashing that brilliant smile. "Who remembers the fairy emotions?"

I raised my hand. I actually knew it this time. "Light, life, and joy."

"Yes, Sierra, that's exactly it," Ms. McCarty said smiling. "Fairies are the epitome of all things good. It may be hard to become that happy, that good, but I believe in you students! Just think really, really, positive! Go!"

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