is this the end?

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Eben called the police and locked Lilly outside. As I lay in Daniels arms I realize this can't be the end. Lilly stopped banging on the door and I heard police sirens.

Alex:is she still out there?
Eben: she's gone
Alex: she's gonna come after us again!
Even:the police are almost here they'll find her
Alex:she planned for you to call the police
Alex:she had to know that if she left the room you would lock her out at some point and she left her phone in here tell me that's not all suspicious
Maddy:why would she bang on the door like a maniac then
Bru:she had to make it look real I guess like she totally didn't plan to get the police called
Jazmine:so this is never gonna end is it
Jonah:so we have to live the rest of our lives worrying if Lilly's gonna pop up out of nowhere and kill us how wonderful!


I'm gonna go to jail for helping Lilly but I can't go without letting Kate know I'm sorry.

Eben:Kate I'm sorry for everything
Kate:save it I don't wanna hear it
Eben: please just hear me out all of you I'm gonna go to jail for this and I can't go knowing that you all hate me
Zach:listen Eben I'm not trying to be rude but we don't have time to worry about you going to jail because in case you forget Kate and Alex got shot and Bru has cancer and there are two pregnant people here


A few minutes later the police show up and take Eben away. A ambulance shows up and takes us all to the hospital and the police gives us a number in case we hear anything from Lilly.


me and Jake came Ohio as soon as we heard what happened. And just thinking that Lilly did this is crazy and the fact that I slept with that bitch makes me wanna throw up. When me and Jake get to the hospital we go to the front desk.

Logan:were looking for Alex Paul
(A/n yes I know it sounds weird lol)
Desk lady: 3rd floor room 320
Jake: thanks

When we get to her room I see Kate I'm the bed next to her and everyone else in in the room with them. When we walk I'm everyone stares at us.

Alex:mmm who is it
Logan: it's me and Jake
Alex:oh okkkk
Jake:is she ok she's being...
Daniel:they have her and Kate on that stuff that makes you after all weird and stuff
Jake:oh ok


so this is it were supposed to go back to out lives and act like everything is ok or something. But at least Eben is in jail and Lilly is gone I think...

Hey y'all thanks for reading❤ hope you enjoyed this part of secrets make sure to vote, comment and follow me and read my other story's too. THIS IS NOT THE END OF SECRETS THIS STORY WILL BE CONTINUED

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