The sleepover

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Jazmine:OMG yes of course I'll be your girlfriend!

He says then kisses me. I seriously can't believe this is happening right now I'm Corbyns GIRLFRIEND!

Jazmine:let's go back downstairs

We walk downstairs and I can't wait to tell everyone:)

Jazmine:guys guess what

I say as I walk up to the girls. I look over and Lilly is there but I don't pay any attention to her.

Bru:what and i have something to tell you guys too but you go first Jazmine
Jazmine:ok so Corbyn asked me to be his girlfriend?!
Kate: what'd you say?
Bru: seriously?
Jazmine:yeah I said yes obviously!
Lilly: wonderful 😑
Kate: that's great!
Maddy:wow that's awesome
Bru: that's great now time for my news
Jazmine:thanks and ok what's your news
Bru:Zach finally told me he loves me!
Jazmine: that's awesome!
Bru:yeah it is

I could tell something was up with Lilly cause  like whenever we said something about the guys she would give us a death stare?


Ughhhh I'm so sick of listening to this bitches talking about the guys cause there MINE and I don't care what I have to do to make them all mine😍
I go over to Jonah while he's talking with the guys and just start making out with him because why not and I know he likes Kate and she might like him but he's MY boyfriend!

Corbyn:dude seriously?

When Corbyn says that Jonah pulls away!

Jonah:Lilly not right now!
Lilly:ugh I just wanna kiss MY MAN

I say my man really Loud so I know Kate and them all heard me!

Jonah:I wanna talk to the guys
Lilly:great what are you guys talking about!
Zach:Lilly he means you need to walk away so we can talk

Oh he didn't just say that!

Lilly:Jonah are you just gonna let him talk to me like that?
Jonah:guys just let her stay she's not gonna listen anyway
Corbyn:fine *eye roll*

Why are they being so rude you know what it doesn't matter cause soon they'll be mine all mine!


I swear that bitch Lilly is just trying to make me mad she's going over there and seriously making out with Jonah then she'll look at me and give me that I just kissed the guy you like look!
Ugh I'm so sick of this so I'mma go and call Eben see what he's up to.

Kate:hey guys I'mma go make a call outside

I walk outside and call Eben number I haven't talked to him since he saw me with Jonah that day hopefully he's not still mad.

*Eben picks up*

Eben:hey Kate
Eben:what do you need?
Kate:just wanted to talk to you
Kate:look I'm really sorry about you seeing me with Jonah
Eben:look Kate I really like you and you obviously know that but it's either you wanna be with me or you can be with that Jonah guy I don't wanna be your second choice or the guy you come back to when it doesn't work out with someone cause that's probably what's gonna happen!
Kate: Eben...
Eben:Kate you ditched me on Our date to go with him and then didn't even call or text me
Kate:Eben I like you alot but I don't know how I feel about Jonah
Eben:your gonna have to pick one of us in the end so just pick who you want now cause I'm not gonna stand around waiting till you make up your mind!
Kate: seriously?!
Eben: it's either me or him pick now please
Eben: who's it gonna be?
Eben:great text you later i wanna take you out tommorow 😘
Kate:great can't wait!

*Eben hangs up*

Did I make the right decision picking Eben I still don't Know how I feel about Jonah or if I feel anything about him at all?! I walk back inside and go back to the girls.


I really wanna go talk to Jack but I don't wanna interrupt his conversation.

Maddy: it's getting late we should get to bed
Jazmine:ok I'll go tell Corbyn

Jazmine walks over and tells Corbyn we should all be getting to bed.

Maddy:wait where are we gonna sleep

I wisper to Kate.

Kate:umm I don't know

I see the guys start to walk up to us.

Daniel:so we haven't really thought about where everyone is gonna be sleeping tonight
Lilly:Jonah I have to go see someone I'll probably be back in the morning
Jonah:ok see you then

Yes Lilly is leaving she's so annoying 😂

Corbyn:well Jazmine can sleep in my room
Jack:Maddy can sleep in my room
Jonah:Kate can sleep In my room
Zach:Bru can sleep in my room
Daniel:and I'mma sleep by myself in my room 😂

Everyone walks upstairs and goes into the guy's room and I follow Jack up to his room.

Jack:you can have the bed I'll sleep on the floor
Maddy:no it's your bed I'll take the floor
Jack:id rather you take the bed

I get in Jack's bed and try to go to bed but I can't and it's been like 2 hours
So I see if Jack is awake.

Maddy:are you awake?
Jack:*yawns* I am now

He says and sits up.

Maddy:can you come up here and sleep on the bed with me unless that too weird...
Jack:no it's fine

He says and gets on the bed with me but when he lays down He's facing me so now we're both laying on our sides facing each other 😶 and it's really weird cause we're kinda just staring at each other?Jack starts to get closer and all of a sudden he kisses me! I know I shouldn't but I kiss back and now we're making out👍😂 after a few minutes I pull away.

Maddy:we can't
Jack:we're just kissing?
Maddy:yeah but
Maddy:I just I wanna get to know you more
Jack:ok then let me take you on a date again
Jack:I know the first on didn't go well cause I forgot my skateboard but I promise this one will be better!
Jack:we should get to sleep
Maddy:ok night
Jack: night

We soon fall asleep.


I wonder how it's going at the guys house I was gonna go to see Liam cause he called when I left and said he needed to talk to me but I decided to go to Liam's another time and just come home. Im about to fall asleep when I hear a nock at the door?

Alex:what the hell?
*Alex opens door*
Alex:what do you want...

Thanks for reading 💜who's at Alex's house?

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