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I've been going to Mrs Seo's house for quite a while now but I haven't seen Changbin lately which made me pretty sad.

It was one time as i was heading out of the house, saying bye to Yuqi.

When I got out I realized something. I was only in my hoodie without any hat or a scarf and it was really cold outside. It wouldn't be that bad if not for the wind.

I started walking home as a freezing breeze was playing around with my hair. My cheeks were red but this time not because of the sweet warm feeling spreading around my body just like it does when I meet Changbin. No this time it was because of a dead-ass cold wind that I felt on every inch of my body. I was walking as fast as I could while hugging myself in order to try keep at least some warmth.

When I finally got home I for the first time in my life hated the big mirror that was on the left side of the door. I was glad nobody was in the house then because my mom would probably think I just got back from some weird party with drugs. I quickly changed into my fluffy pyjamas and made myself some tea. I finally felt a bit better as I was drinking the hot liquid.

I checked my phone and saw that Changbin was out with his friends. I smiled at the photo and left a comment with million hearts in it.

I then got up and made my way to my room upstairs. I sat in the chair in front of the desk and sighed. Our teacher said that we have to produce at least three tracks to pass the first half of this year and i was pretty much stuck. I could write lirycs and rap them - sure - but when it comes to making music I'm just as good as Minho and Jisung at putting together that Ikea table.

I groaned and put my head on the desk.

Changbin knows how to make music.

Uh, Yeah and what? I can't just come up to him and say " So I don't know shit about making music, care enough to help?".

I'll have to deal with it myself then...

I took out my note book and a pencil. After staring at a slightly yellow paper for like a five minutes which felt more like an hour I slammed my head against the table once again.



I woke up the next morning and instantly knew that the cold wind that was messing with me the day before definitely didn't make me feel better. When i tried to stand up a sudden pain hit me in the head causing me to fall back on the pillow. I groaned and picked my phone which was laying on the bedside cabinet.

Omma 💕💕


Yesterday I was walking in the cold and now i feel horrible. I'm not going to school, tell Mrs Seo that i won't be able to go to Yuqi today, alright?

No worries, I'll tell her in a minute. Drink a lot of tea and take some medicine. I'll make you something delicious when I get back you dumb child ❤



I was in my classes with Jisung. I tried paying as much attention as i could but I couldn't help but feel that even our teacher was about to fall asleep in the middle of her words. Jisung was scribbling something in his notebook while i was just scrolling through Twitter.

Suddenly a message from my mom came in.


Hyunjin won't come to our house today, because he's sick :(
I hope you'll handle Yuqi by yourself

I'll try
Thanks for the info

I suddenly felt sad. I really wanted to meet the beautiful boy that day, because we haven't seen each other in a while. I think Han saw my face expression because he asked:

- What's wrong?

- Hyunjin's sick and he isn't coming over today.- i said slightly embarrassed. Han just smiled devilishly and raised an eyebrow.

- Then go to him.

- WHAT?!- I yelled definitely too loud since i still was in my class.

- Seo Changbin, be quiet please.- the teacher looked at me deadly.

I let ou a quiet "sorry" and turned back to Jisung.

- I can't just come to his house and be like "well I'm lonely so i brought my ass to you, how does it sound?"

- I would do that.- Han said without any shame and i just covered my face with my hands- But look, if you bought him some snacks I'm sure he'd be happy. Come on anyone would be.

- I'll think about it- I laid my head on the desk in front of me and entered my mind.


Well... I did in fact follow Jisung's advice and I was now standing in the shop deciding what kind of jelly's i should buy. I finally chose the jelly cherries and headed to pay for the things. On my way i grabbed some juice and a chocolate bar. I would have bought a whole-ass basket of sweets but that would look weird if coming to Hwang's house without any warning wasn't werid enough by itself. I walked out of the shop and checked Hyunjin's adress on my phone. Yes, i saved it when i had driven him home on our first meeting, leave me alone.

I ran through the streets and finally approached the right door.


My holiday break started and all I do is study, it should be illegal ;_;

Anyway, hope you enjoy reading this mess~~

Love you all

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