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HoEs - FrOm HeAd tO tOes

Ok, so i've just returned from my "babysitting work"


First of all: This girl is actually really adorable and nice
Second of all: She's savage af

But isn't she like ten?

She is but hear me out
So we were drawing and shit and then i wrote like a short poem
She read that and said her brother would like it and it turned out her brother's making music.
Then out of nowhere she told me I am pretty.

Is she blind lmao

And then she told me her brother would like me
And I'm shook
And then she basically exposed her brother saying that he likes cute boys.

Can I like meet her or something?

Bro, she is Minho's next enemy bc if she grow up we all will be roasted like a chicken.

But that's the future and for now on the best salty ones are me and Seungmin

So you both are good?

No, but I'm better anyway.

Look through your window.

Oh shit-



"Oppa, hyung look!" excited Yuqi ran into my room and jumped on my legs. I smiled at her actions and spoke softly.

"What are you so enthusiastic about, huh?"

She handed me a piece of paper. I showed her a confused look and looked at the words scribbled on the page. My eyes widened.

"Yuqi, who wrote this?" i asked because it obviously wasn't her.

"My new friend! The boy that comes to take care of me!" i totally forgot about the 'babysitter' our mom was telling me about "Do you like it?"

"Yeah, it's really nice. You can tell him I like it a lot." I smiled.

"Can't you do it yourself, oppa?" girl pouted breaking my heart into tiny pieces.

"I would but not now. Maybe in the future."

"You promise?" she held it her pinky with a determination in her big eyes.




"I don't know shit about making music tracks!!" Seungmin collapsed on in his chair and laid on our dining table.

"Same here but I can ask Jisung if him or one of his friends can help you if want" Minho spoke drinking his juice with a straw.

"Please do! That would help me so much." Seungmin's eyes sparkled at the idea and I just laughed.

Soon after Felix and Woojin joined our table. These type of moments were really nice when we could just talk and laugh with each other. I absolutely adore my friends even though they're too big dorks sometimes.

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