Chapter X

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I sat up with a start, cursing loudly when flames suddenly ballooned around my neck. Letting out a strangled groan, I immediately clapped my hand over the area that scorched the most and fell back into the sheets, squeezing my eyes shut in pain.

"Oh!" I heard a voice exclaim. I slowly opened my eyes again to see Abbie standing at the side of my bed, wringing her apron out in worry. "You're awake!"

"How long have I been asleep?" I asked, wincing at the rasp in my voice. She handed me a glass of water, which I gratefully took, before answering.

"Two days." She eyed me as I downed the glass, placing it on the table next to the bed.

"Two days?" I sat up hesitantly, keeping my hand over my neck. It was no longer burning, but still throbbed uncomfortably. "What… Oh!" I gasped, suddenly removing my hand from my neck and waving both at her anxiously. "Get me a mirror! Hurry!"

"O-Of course!" Her eyes widened as she hurried over to my vanity, pulling out a mirror with a silver handle. She raced back, offering it to me, and I tried to stead my shaking hands as I took it. Slowly, I brushed my hair over to my left shoulder with one hand, baring the side of my neck that burned. Biting my lip, I titled the mirror so I could see it.

The mark. I heard Abbie gasp.

It was outlined in an angry red, but the mark itself was a shimmering gold, as if a jeweler had somehow made a cast into my skin and poured the molten metal into it. I slowly ran my fingers over it, wincing when it stung. The area around it was raised slightly, but there were no bite marks or any blood. I placed the mirror down and frowned.

"You said I was asleep for two days?" I asked. She nodded. "So I missed the dinner, then?"

"You did," she replied, still fussing with her apron. When I didn't answer, she said, "he isn't mad, if that's what you want to know…"

My eyes narrowed. Suddenly, I felt anger—hotter than even the burn of the mark—rush through me that the mention of him. Ignoring her startled expression, I threw the covers off of me, standing up suddenly and only pausing to let the dizziness of a head rush pass.

"Where is he?" I spat out once I was sure I could fully stand. Her eyes widened and she only began to twist her apron in between her hands harder. "Well?"

"He—er—left," she said lamely.

"He what?"

"He had urgent business to attend to," she responded, looking apologetic. "I know you're mad…"

"Mad?" I looked at her incredulously. "I'm furious!" I stalked over to the one of the chairs and plopped down, seething at the entire situation. "First he marks me, and then he just gets up and leaves? He couldn't even face me afterwards?" I shook my head in disgust. "Well? When did he say he was going to get back?"

"He didn't," she said softly.


"He didn't say when he would be back. I don't think Lord Evanon even knows."

"That's impossible!" I exclaimed. "He tells him everything!"


"Well what?" I snapped. Abbie bit her lip at this, and I sighed. I was taking it all out on her, and it wasn't even her fault! "I'm sorry," I apologized. "It's just… it's all happening so fast, and…"

"Oh, Amanda, I know you don't mean it!" she said, throwing her arms around me in a hug. "I just hate seeing you like this! I would never dare speak against the prince, or question his actions, but I feel like he should never have left you…" She drew back and looked concerned. "Please don't tell him I said that!"

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