Chapter Sixteen: Latch

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           “You - make - me - feel like I’m livin’ a teen - age - dream, the way you turn me on.” 

“Urhh...Charlie...Charlie,” Peter groaned from beneath me, his warm hands landing on my shoulders as I moaned and shook my face against his soft chest hairs that were tickling my nose.

“That’s your phone,” Peter tried again, but I just let out another low sound of protest and pressed my face further into his chest.

           Since I’d arrived in his apartment on my way to work on Thursday, we’d been rolling around on his couch, the floor, even the surprisingly sturdy coffee table by our feet. I’d tried to tell myself that it was wrong, that I shouldn’t be with Peter, that he was a werewolf, a monster...but I couldn’t. I couldn’t fight the way his breath aroused goosebumps on my skin, or how the little grunting sounds he makes while we’re making out turns me on to the point of actual physical discomfort. I couldn’t push his hot, searching hands away from me any more than I could keep my own hands from scraping down his back or running through his wavy brown hair.

“Just ignore it. It’s probably Annie,” I whispered, lips brushing against his skin, and I felt Peter tense up underneath me. Judging by the light spilling in from the huge windows on the back wall in his living room, it was about mid-morning, which meant it had long? I wondered as I trailed my lips up Peter’s chest, enjoying the way he stirred, muscles tightening, the salty taste of sweat from our latest go at it coating my tongue. Who cares how long it’s been, I told myself, fighting back a smirk.

“Mmm,” he mumbled so quietly I almost missed it, his hands sliding down from my shoulders to cup my waist tightly as he swiftly dragged me up closer to him, sparkling blue eyes pinned on my lips. We both let out airy moans when his arousal rubbed along my stomach from the movement, and I fastened my lips onto Peter’s with a desperation that almost scared me. When I was with Peter, everything else fell away. We created this space between us, this alternate place that only existed when we were together.

             “You think I’m pretty, without any makeup on. You think I’m funny, when I tell the punchline wrong-” My phone started up again and simultaneously, Peter and I groaned, and this time it wasn’t from pleasure. 

“You better get that,” Peter whispered, pulling his lips off of mine and turning to push his torso up, elbows digging into the soft leather cushions beneath us. I allowed my body to roll off of his as I slid from the couch and scrambled over on my hands and knees to where my cell phone lay, discarded, on top of my clothes by the single step that lowered from the front door to the living room. Opening the screen, I saw that I had twenty-three missed calls, five voicemails, and forty-six text messages. But before I could read any of them, there was a loud banging sound on the front door, and several deep voices shouting. 

“Peter…” I said warningly, my skin rippling from a sudden breeze. I had just lifted myself up onto my knees to return to the couch when the front door banged open, men dressed in dark uniforms and armed with guns rushed in, and a loud roar reverberated around the loft. I screamed, jumping to my feet and turning to get Peter when I felt his hands pull me back, and I was suddenly peering at the police officers from over his shoulder.

      “Peter Hale?” one of them barked, and Peter’s answering growl was all that greeted them as they stared us down. I could feel my legs shaking beneath me as I realized both Peter and I were stark naked, surrounded by most of the Beacon Hills Police Department, and clearly under suspicion for something. The murders, I thought with a sinking stomach, but then Derek, Cora, and Annie pushed their way through the wall of officers, and I let out the tense breath that I’d been holding.

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