Chapter Seven: Say Something

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*Quick Author's Note: The events that take place in this book are not in the same order as the show, Teen Wolf, but are still basically the same events. So please no comments saying "this isn't how it happened!" Also, in this story, none of the Season One stuff has happened yet - ie, Peter isnt the bad guy and hasn't come back to life. But dont worry, that will come up later on...just not in the right order...Thanks for reading and hope you enjoy!*** 

                         “Um…,” I mumbled, running a hand through my loose waves and trying to stifle the flaming blush that was ravaging my cheeks. I felt ashamed and embarrassed at my slutty behavior; I wasn’t the type of girl to just start making out like that with somebody in broad daylight, especially somewhere as public and open as a grocery store. But for whatever reason, I couldn’t control myself around Peter. His gloriously tanned skin drew me in like nothing else, and his mouth watered at the sight. Peter’s smirk only grew wider at my apparent humiliation, and he reached out to grab my arm and draw me back in against his body, much to my delight.

“Do you wanna come over for dinner on Friday night? My place, eight o’clock,” Peter suggested, his hypnotic gray-blue eyes boring into mine as my chest tightened painfully his words. Is Peter asking me out? Oh my god. Oh my god. I have to say something, I have to say yes-

“Great. I’ll see you then,” Peter said firmly before I could even open my mouth, and I stood there, stunned, as I watched him disappear down the aisle. Peter Hale just asked me out. I’m going on a date with Peter Hale. Shit.

***                                                ***                                               ***

                     The next day, I was booked to work all three shifts - morning, lunch, and evening. Which meant that I had no time left over to freak out about my impending date with the hottest man I’d ever seen. But when Annie and I went on lunch break, I was forced to tell her everything over sandwiches and coffee.

“So he lives in your building? That’s how you met him?”

“Yeah. And I’m sort of friends with his niece and nephew, which sounds weird, but I swear he’s really young to be an uncle.”

“So his sister’s a slut?” Annie asked, taking a bite out of her sandwich and dodging a smack from me simultaneously. I laughed, trying to frown at my friend as I polished off the remains of my peanut butter sandwich and washed it down with a large gulp of coffee to clear my head.

“No. At least, I don’t think so. I’ve never met her, actually.” Because she’s dead.

“So what else do you know about this guy?”

He’s a werewolf, I thought hastily, whatever that means. “He’s utterly gorgeous, for one.” 

“Yeah, yeah, so you’ve said. What else?”

“Um...his whole family burned to death in a fire a couple years ago. Peter barely escaped, and was scarred and in a coma for six years before he finally healed.”

Damn! Charlie, this guy must have serious issues. Are you sure you wanna get involved?”

“What am I supposed to do? He’s beautiful and I think he likes me. Don’t bite the hand that feeds you, right?” I retorted, rolling my eyes at her dramatics. But a little voice in the back of my head had been wondering the same thing for days. Is Peter worth all of this? The drama, the danger, the it really worth it to find out if there’s really something between us? What if there isn’t? What if it doesn’t work out and I’m stuck in a town full of werewolves, with no real friends.

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