Announcement: We're back in business!

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Hey everyone!!! Sooo (as some of you have pointed out) IT'S JUNE!!! And I thought it fitting that I make this announcement on the TEEN WOLF SEASON 5 PREMIERE!!!! (Sidenote: I'm so excited for the premiere tonight!!) 

I just recently finished up a story that I've been working on for a longggg time (almost as long as my Derek Hale series actually) which means now I've freed up some time to get back to work on Accidentally In Love!! 

I'm super excited to return to this story. Especially because Teen Wolf is coming back :) And I miss Peter. Who else misses Peter? (And Scott and Stiles and Derek etc, but PETER, MAN! ;) 

Just a "show of hands," if you will: How many of you guys are still interested in this story? 

Please comment below with your favorite Teen Wolf character to show me that you're still interested in AIL/reading these announcements/give a damn at all. Feel free to include a little message of encouragement for me! ;) 

So if enough people comment (like 5-10), then I will get started right away on re-working Accidentally In Love, starting all the way back with Chapter One! 

The way this will work is as such: I will go back and re-work every chapter written so far (Ch 1-16) and update them on Wattpad as I go. That will take some time, but not very much once I get rolling. Then, once that's done and you guys have all caught up on the new version of AIL, I will post Chapter 17 and continue from there! 

So get to commenting! And voting, I guess:) Thank you all so much for your support, and I'm so excited for the return of this book and our favorite TV show!! xoxo

Ps - for any you who've read some of my "Teen Wolf Rants" (posted in Stuck Like Glue), what do you think about bringing those back? Yes? No?

Thanks! xx

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2015 ⏰

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