Chapter One: Gone Already

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            With a sigh, I took the final step out of my old world and into my new one, appropriately titled Beacon Hills. If this place is such a beacon, maybe something interesting will finally happen to me, I thought hopefully as I lugged the last of my suitcases across the threshold of my brand-new apartment in downtown Beacon Hills, California. I’d just graduated from the University of California, Los Angeles, and after spending the summer living with my parents and saving up to move across the country, I’d finally made it out to my dream location. Abandoning all of my bags in the mostly empty living room, I tripped over to the lone piece of furniture I owned, my black leather sectional couch that was shaped like an L, and plopped down. Unpacking can wait until morning, I rationalized sleepily, hugging my oversized UCLA sweatshirt around my shivering body and getting pulled into unconsciousness almost instantly.

***                                                                  ***                                                      ***

            The next morning, I was awoken rudely by the sound of my phone ringtone, which was “Hips Don’t Lie” by Shakira, blasting loudly in the quiet apartment. Jerking into vigilance, I swung over the couch and grabbed my phone from where it was nestled on top of my purse, sliding right to answer the call.

“Hello?” I asked groggily, pushing my messy brown hair back and dragging my aching body up into a sitting position.

“Charlie? I need you here, like now! Doors open in two hours and I still have to rearrange the fragrances and line up the brushes by fiber quality and unpack the Clinique skincare products to go on the shelves-“My boss and close friend Annie Reyes’ frantic chatter flew over the line, efficiently wiping away the remains of fatigue from my mind and spurring me into a frenzy as I clamped the phone between my shoulder and neck so I could unzip one of my suitcases.

“Crap, I’m sorry Annie. I was so tired when I got in last night that I just-“

“Yes, I know Charlie, but you said you’d be ready to work by the grand opening day! That day is today! Be here in ten minutes!” With that, Annie ended the phone call, leaving me frazzled and remorseful before the day had even begun. I quickly yanked out several different items of clothing, tossing them around and digging for more before I finally rummaged out a work-appropriate outfit and immediately stripped off my sweaty travel clothes in exchange for the prim and preppy ensemble. Twisting my long brown wavy hair into a neat ponytail, I took a second to admire my look in the mirror before I grabbed my purse and car keys and left. I wasn’t exceptionally beautiful by any standards, but my peaches and cream complexion and high cheekbones could be considered aesthetically pleasing attributes. I absolutely despised my lightly muscled figure and pointy nose, however. The allusion of curves was achieved by a cinch in my red, white, and navy dress, which I’d paired with a navy boyfriend cardigan, beige tights, and knee high brown leather boots.

                   Even though I was in a hurry, I still took the time to completely my daily makeup routine, which consisted of many layers of cover-up, powder, and eye makeup. I finished with a few swipes of coconut lip gloss, which was my personal favorite, and then I was out the door and on my way to work. I’d met Annie at UCLA, when she’d been a senior and I’d been a freshman, and we’d both been majoring in cosmetology. We’d become pretty good friends in college, but when she’d graduated we’d sort of lost touch. I’d contacted her this summer to see if she was still in California, and when she’d told me she was living back home with her parents and younger sister and opening a beauty store, I’d immediately volunteered my services and she’d hired me on the spot. This would be the first time I’d actually see her in years, but I felt confident that we’d pick up right where we left off. That is, if she wasn’t too pissed at me for being late. I slid into the elevator in my new apartment building, tapping my foot anxiously on the floor as I waited for the numbers to drop from six to the lobby. Come on, come on. I’d almost reached the ground level when the elevator screeched to a halt on the third level, the doors sliding open so that a surprisingly attractive young man and girl could enter.

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