A Monster Nonetheless

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Kevin closed his eyes and let the Beast take over. Casey stood back and let the transformation happen. She could feel that suffocating feeling rise up again. She could do nothing but push it down and hope her voice didn't fail her. She could only hope her plan would work. She could only help the Beast would let her and their son be free. 

"Why was he out?" The Beast growled. "Why were you talking to him? Why, Casey, do you keep trying my patience?"

Casey licked her dry lips, her voice already failing her. "Because.... because I... I am finally able to admit to myself that you are not my purpose. Your talks of purity, your plan to kill isn't something I want. It never was. I just wanted it to be."

"And what, foolish girl, is your purpose?"

"It's to save you from yourself. To save Kevin from you."

The Beast scoffed. "And what do you know about saving Kevin?"

"You were created to protect Kevin. And you have, in your own way. But this isn't how it's suppose to be done. Your job is done. It's my turn now. It's my turn to take care of him."

"Is it now?" The Beast snapped, a growl rising in his chest. His anger was like never before, but Casey couldn't stop now. She had to finish what she started. 

"Yes. It is. You have to trust me with him. He needs to have a life outside of his cell. You only bring destruction and he deserves better than that. He needs to heal and you don't do that for him. Please, Beast, let him go. Give up your mission and let him go. Let us go."

The Beast studied the girl he loved. He wanted her and nothing else. He wanted his Casey back. But he knew that wasn't going to happen. He knew he had lost her the day she was taken by the police. 

"I can't stop my mission."

"You can. You can go back to your train yard. You can let Kevin be happy. You have that power. Utilize it. Not for my sake, but for the man you were created to protect." Casey could see the struggle in his black eyes. She could see the fire in his eyes. His need for bloodshed was strong, but could she convince him to give it all up for her? For Kevin? 

"Kevin is weak. He won't last a week without us. He is not your concern. You are mine. You are suppose to be mine. Why can't you just be mine?"

Casey felt the heartbreak in his voice. She could feel his hurt, but she had to stand her ground. "Because I am not the same girl who entered this hotel. I am stronger now. I am no longer a broken, weak child. I know what I need to do and it's not to be your obedient servant. Think of our child. Do you want him to grow up around bloodshed? Around death? And if you answer yes than that just confirms what I already know. You are an animal with only animal instincts. You'll never stop killing and if I don't do as you say, you'll eventually kill me too."

The Beast opened his mouth to deny it, but he couldn't. She could read him like an open book. She always could. He could never give her or his son the life they deserved. He could never make them happy. He could never be anything more than a monster. A monster with a purpose but a monster nonetheless. 

"Trust me.  Please, just trust me." Casey begged the man she once loved. "If Kevin is too weak to stay in the light, then you can take over. I won't stand in your way. You can cause as much destruction as you please. I promise. Just give me a chance to rescue him."

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