Let's Go

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"He'll leave next time there is a big high school game." Casey told Richards as he drove. "Usually Friday nights. He won't return until late Saturday afternoon." Richards thought that was a brilliant plan. So many impures would be there, drunk, and easy to catch. 

"That's three days away." He said, stating the obvious.

"He'll take Elizabeth with him. He knows I won't leave Baylor. Emma... She probably won't be around by then." Richards didn't like how Casey said that. Made it seem like this girl would be dead. But that wasn't her favor. 

"So, you'll be alone at the hotel?" Richards asked, starting to get an understanding of why she was telling him this schedule. 

"Kind of."

Richards pulled over and unbuckled his seat belt to turn around and face Casey. "Why are you being so vague? You can tell me what you need. I told you I would help you." Casey sighed, knowing she could trust him. But she couldn't trust her voice not to give out on her.


Present Day

"Are you sure you'll be fine? I can have Emma leave another day." The Beast asked for the thousandth time that day. Casey sat in the rocking chair, shaking her head.

"I swear, we'll be fine. You'll be gone for a day. We'll be okay." The Beast knew that she could take of herself and Baylor, but he just felt worried.

"I'll be back as soon as I can. Would you rather Elizabeth stay with you?" Casey rolled her eyes and shook her head.

"No, you need her. We'll be fine."

The Beast sighed and resisted the urge to continue the conversation.
"Okay. It's only a day until we see each other again." Casey gave a soft smile, her thoughts going back to that night with Richards in the car.



"We both know about the money from the supporters. Only we do, unless you told Elizabeth." 

Richards quickly shook his head. "I didn't tell her about that." 

Casey let out a sigh of relief. Her plan still worked. "Good, good. Then I need you to use some of it to buy some things for me for Friday." 

Richards raised an eyebrow at this request. "What do you have planned for Friday?"


Present Day

"Say bye to Daddy, Baylor." Casey said, holding Baylor up so the Beast could see his child. She moved his tiny arm so it looked like Baylor was waving. The Beast smiled at them and went over to give his son a kiss.

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