Purity Won't Save You

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Casey found a suitable dress that she felt would be good for this mysterious feast. She went to the bathroom and showered, keeping the baby monitor right by the tub. She toweled herself off and went to clean the mirror. She wiped the mirror off with her hand and looked at her unfamiliar self staring back at her.

Casey's hair had gone back to her usual brown, the length a bit past her shoulders. She had more bags under her eyes than when she arrived at the hotel, the darkness making her brown eyes seem almost black. Her face was thinner and her cheek bones looked like they stuck out of skin. She looked sick.

Casey turned away from the mirror and got dressed, not wanting to see her reflection anymore.


The Beast stood by the dirty pool, listening to Casey's heartbeat. He could tell she was nervous, but he didn't know why. She didn't confide in him anymore. The pool area wasn't ideal for their feast, Emma and Elizabeth insisted on having it there. They cleaned the area up that morning, raking leaves, cleaning the tables, and draining out the dirty pool water. All that was left was the dirty reminder that there was once dirty water.

"Are you serious, Richards?" He heard Elizabeth yell from in front of the hotel. She was in the car with her detective boyfriend.

"I just don't want to. Not right now, at least." The man named Richards said. The Beast had never seen the detective, only heard his voice. He knew from Elizabeth that he was nervous to meet him and that he was a pure man. The Beast didn't care, but did tell Elizabeth that he was welcome to come into the hotel at anytime.

"What are you expecting? Superman?" Elizabeth snapped at Richards. 

"No. You wouldn't get it. You should go to your feast. Have fun." 

The Beast was surprised that Elizabeth didn't kill the detective for dismissing her like that. Instead, she just got out of the car and slammed the door. The Beast listened to Richards drive off before he went back to listening to Casey. 

She was talking to Baylor now, telling him how beautiful he was. The Beast smiled to himself, wishing he could be a part of that moment.

"Men suck." Elizabeth said from behind him, setting down the plates with force.

"Then thank goodness I am not a man." The Beast replied, not moving.

"You kind of are." Elizabeth said, placing the silverware down on the table.

"Only my host is. If you could see my true form, you would reconsider your words." Elizabeth stuck her tongue out at him and went back to setting the table. Emma came out a few minutes later, carrying a tray of food.

"Hey! Should I go get Casey?" The Beast nodded, not turning to face her either.

"Okay. The table is set." Elizabeth said. 

The Beast smiled, "Excellent." He said.


"Casey!" Emma said to her closed door. She knocked three times before opening the door. "You decent?" She asked.

"Yes. Come in, Emma." Emma walked in the door and let out a small gasp at Casey's dress.

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