You Are Extraordinary

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Casey sat besides Patricia's body and waited for something to happen. With every passing second she feared what was happening in the mind of Kevin. Was the Beast going to find out what Patricia was doing? Would Kevin agree to speak to her? Who was going to wake up? Every second felt like eternity and Casey almost stopped breathing when the body besides her opened its eyes.

Kevin opened his eyes to see the familiar ceiling of wherever the Horde had them holed up. He sat up slowly and looked down to see his body wearing a maroon blouse and a black skirt. "Kevin?" A voice asked from besides him. He looked over and saw the familiar unhappy girl he had told to run. 

"Casey." He said simply. She had lost more weight since he last saw her, whenever that was. She had dark circles under her eyes and the unhappiness he saw in her last had only festered. "I told you to run."

"I know. But I have a different idea."

"Oh? And what is it? And why does it include me?"

"Because you may not realize it, but you need me." 

"Do I?" Kevin asked, raising an eyebrow. "You seem to be doing just fine with the personalities. What changed?"

"I realized that the Beast will never change. He's an animal and he always be an animal. I fooled myself into thinking he would change."

"I still don't understand what this has to do with me. I already told you to run. Get the hell out of here and start new."

"He'd find me. And the body count will continue. He's already killed over sixty people. If I leave, it will only increase. And I can't leave him to do that. But you can stop him."

"And how do you propose I do that?" Kevin was getting frustrated. He was close to surrendering the light to someone else when the unhappy girl spoke.

"You can stay in the light. I know you have the power to do it." Kevin shook his head and stood up. Casey watched as he wobbled, unfamiliar to standing, especially in the heels and skirt Patricia had him in.

"NO. Hell no."

Casey knew this wasn't going to be easy. "You must want to come out, just a little. You must hate being asleep all the time, never knowing what's happening, what your body is doing. Your hands have killed, Kevin. Don't you want control over your body again?"

Kevin would never admit it, but he did miss the world a bit. "There's only pain awaiting me."

"No, that's not true. I would protect you, help you keep the personalities at bay. You can be yourself again. Learn to live again. Start a new life with me. With your son."

"That's not my son." Kevin snapped. "If I killed, then aren't I wanted? We'd live on the run forever? No thanks. I'd rather be in my cell asleep."

"You're not wanted. Everyone thinks you're dead. Leave the details to me. We can help each other, heal each other. I know abuse. We don't have to be anything other than friends. But we need each other. Please, say you'll stay with me here. Let me protect you."

Kevin took off the heels and went to the dresser to find something he could walk in. He pushed clothes around until he found some grey sweatpants and a black T-shirt. He went to the restroom and didn't speak until he came back out.

"You're insane. Like, crazier than I am. You want to heal me? You don't even know me. You just don't want to be alone. I'm not going to replace the personality you really love. I'm not going to be used to make you feel better. That's crazy. Why would you even think I would do that?"

Casey teared up at the harshness of his words. "I'm not trying to use you. I'm trying to save you. You really want to be a host to a murderer? I know pain from someone who is supposed to love you. I know hurt just as much as you. Expect I didn't have anyone to take it for me. Don't you want to have a life? You are stronger than you know, Kevin. Your name alone gives you power over the personalities if you let it. Just let it. Stop these murders. Stand up for yourself. Just once in your life, take a stand and face the world."

"They won't ever go away. They'll always be there, fighting to take control. They don't just go away."

"No, but you can ignore them. You are the main person in your body. You are not just the host. You are so much more. You are extraordinary. If you let yourself be."

Kevin paced the room, staying silent as his brain a thousand miles an hour. His thoughts were conflicted and he could feel the stirring of the other people in his mind begin. He didn't want to be awake. But at the same time he didn't want a personality to be killing people using his hands. He didn't want to be a bystander to his life. He wanted peace. Could this girl really save him?

"We are the same side of a coin. I need you to heal and you need me. You feel it too, I know it." Casey's words resounded with Kevin. She was right, but was he willing to risk it for a girl he barely knew?

"You should've killed me. Would have saved you a lot of trouble."

Casey gave a small laugh. "Yeah, probably would have."

"If I agree to take control, I can't guarantee how long I'll stay. If it's too hard, I'll go back to sleep." Casey nodded at Kevin's words. She took a deep breath and walked over to him. She grabbed his hand to stop his pacing.

"Just try. That's all I'm asking. And give me a heads up if you choose to leave. That's all I ask of you."

Kevin shook the hand Casey was holding. "I can do that."

"Thank you." Kevin looked down at the unhappy girl and wanted nothing more than to help heal her. 

"So is this it? Do I just stay in the light?"

"No." Casey said, letting go of his hand. "I need to tie up some loose ends before anything else happens. I need to talk to the Beast."

"Won't that be risky? What if he doesn't let you go?"

Casey felt that fear already bubbling up in her chest, almost choking her. "Just listen for my voice. When I say you're full name, take over."

"And if I don't?"

"Then one of two things happen. You either throw away your chance of escape or you signed my death certificate."

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