23 Bastian's Plan

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I lock my door. I never, ever, lock my door. No one in the packhouse does. It's not something that a pack does. We are naturally trusting to one another.

Actually, it's a little odd that my door even has a lock.

Anyway, lock it I do. If a wolf really wants in they can just bust the door open, but it's really more of a deterrent to someone seeking... something else. Just in case.

I haven't seen Jacob in almost two weeks. Sam was missing, too, but I saw him come home a couple of days ago. Today is day that Jacob is being released from the pack clinic after the most recent beating Bastian leveled at him.

What on earth must the nurses think about their alphason?

I wince as I cross the room to my closet. Just another way that I am a bad factor in Bastian's life.

I shove some of my clothes out of the way. Bastian is training, but with Alpha out of town it's a good time to look for my brand-new missing phone. I should be safe in the packhouse.

Sighing, I kneel, sifting through yet another random pile of clothing. Bastian really did a number on my room. The pile of clothes Alpha gave me is missing, probably burned into ash if I had to guess. Sitting back on my heels, I look around, then crawl to peer under the bed.

Oddly enough, it's really empty under here. Dusty, but not much more than an errant sock and one candy wrapper. I push my head and torso underneath to see if maybe the phone is hidden in the shadows.

When the knock comes on the door I yelp and bang my head against the bed.

"Ow! Dammit!" I scramble to get out from under the bed. My heart is racing and not from banging my head. One knock, just one, then silence. This is bad. Bastian would call out, right? What should I do? Maybe whoever it is will just leave?

I stand up, holding my breath, waiting for some other noise. Nothing happens and my shoulders sag in relief.


My mom's screech makes my body immediately seize back up. If my parents are here, then there's a good chance that Alpha is back, too. They don't come around the territory unless they can suck up to their alpha while they're here.

"Lola!" she snaps again before pounding on the door. The doorknob rattles. "Why is this door locked?" her voice climbs. "Do you have some male in there with you?" She sounds horrified

The half-step I was taking when she screamed my name again is halted. A male? Is she really that ignorant of my shitty reputation? I know most of the adults know about me. The way they glare at me at pack events speaks louder than words. There's actually a really good chance that I have 'a male' in here with me.

"Alpha wants to see us in his office! Lola!"

I sink to the floor, slapping my hand over my mouth to stifle the cries of denial snaking their way out of my mouth. My parents won't protect me from him. Only Bastian will. I need to be with my mate and I stupidly left him.

The door shakes and rattles again. My wolf growls inside me, her ears flickering at the door.

I am such an idiot.

"Ms. Greer?" I hear a muffled male voice. Relaxed, friendly.


"Sam, where's Lola?" my mom's voice is acerbic. She's been dismissive of Sam since he shifted MateLess.

"With Bastian," he lies to her smoothly.

Samuel is a much stronger wolf than my mom. He can smell my presence in the room. A wave of gratitude washes through me.

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