4 The Luna and the Slut

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At the end of the lunch hour I stand and sling my backpack over my shoulder. "Ow! Son-of-a-bitch that hurts," I mutter.

"What hurts?" Lola asks me, her tone sharp and her eyes suddenly much sharper.

"I don't know, Loles. I have been feeling achy, I probably have the flu."

She frowns. It is not unheard of for Weres to get sick, but we recover quickly. "I feel like you had the same problem a month ago, Mac."

"I'm fine, just my period."

She is still worried. "Mac, what if something is really wrong? What if your wolf's heat cycle is messed up?"

I shrug, it is more common for our wolf's heat cycles to hurt than our human side's periods, but this feels different.

"C'mon, I should take you to the nurse." She grasps my elbow and tugs me down the corridor. Thankfully our quick conversation made us later to leave the library than usual, so the halls were mostly empty as she dragged me through the halls like a deranged, over-protective big sister.

"Here," Lola knocks on the nurse's door and smiles at the woman.

"Hello girls," the nurse grimaces back at us, because a smile is just too hard. "What do you need today?"

I really do not like this cantankerous woman. "I am having stomach cramps." She sniffs and begins to shoo Lola out of the door.

"I'll wait in the hallway," Lola whispers to me, holding her phone in one hand. "Bastian is wondering why I am not in class. Honestly, something has crawled up his ass today," she mumbles as she walks away.

"OK, Loles, thanks."

The nurse is pushing me down on the exam table and lifting my shirt up not a second later. Her hands are freezing cold and I yelp as she presses a particularly sensitive bit of skin down.

"That hurts?"

"Mmhm." Obviously, I thought sarcastically, or I wouldn't have jumped.

"Well, this could be a mating problem. Have you met him yet?"

"N-no," I answer automatically. I am stunned a bit. I'm only sixteen. That is too young to meet a mate.

"Well, all I can do is give you some advil and tell you to rest."

"Wait!" I protest as she turns away, scribbling on her clipboard furiously. "What do you mean 'mate problems?'"

"If your mate is cheating on you it causes... issues with your reproductive system, although this is not quite as bad as usual." Wow, she sounds not at all concerned... nice lady.

A sick feeling washes over me. My wolf growls. She is young, even younger than me, but we both hate the idea of our mate with other women. I immediately feel silly. I would know if I had met my mate.

"Thanks," I mumble, slinking off of the table as soon as I down the painkillers. I almost run out of her office to see Lola across the hall, talking to the most frightening man I have ever seen. He must stand at at least six and a half feet tall, maybe more. His shoulders are broad, massive, really, and muscular. He is a mountain. Even his profile looks like it is carved from rock.

Lola spots me first and her eyes light up. "Mac! This is Alpha Ryker. Alpha, this is our Beta's daughter, Mackenzie Larsen."

I turn red as dark grey eyes meet mine. They are like steel, imposing and powerful. Not a speck of emotion leaks out of him, making him seem as stony as his gorgeous face. His face is chiseled, hard planes and angles that scream male. Holy shit this wolf is something. "Hi," I whisper. I am such a weirdo. You are such a weirdo, Mac! He says nothing at all, and my eyes dart to Lola. She is smiling, smug, and I feel a hot dart of jealousy. She is so perfect. I wonder if Alpha Ryker is here because he sought her out. Shit, that will cause some problems with Bastian.

Lola (Completed)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz