17 Dirty

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Dirty whore. She's my dirty whore.

Those words keep circling and circling. I wonder if I heard Bastian correctly. Did he really say that to Sam? Am I his dirty whore? I was half asleep when I heard him say it, maybe I didn't hear it correctly?

Bastian's wolf bumps me, sliding along my side, making sure that I smell of him.

I let him do it absentmindedly. My wolf is at the forefront, the little bitch happy to have her mate scent her up. I let her take control while I think about what I heard.

Am I being used by my own mate? Well, yes, but am I really OK with it? What happens when all of this comes tumbling down around me? All of these secrets, the lies.

Will I ever be free?

Teeth nip my flank, bringing me back to reality in an instant. I turn, my wolf huffing angrily, to see Bastian's large wolf nudging me impatiently.

I follow him into the trees. We have reached our camping grounds without me even realizing it.

Bastian shifts back to feet and stands up. "Right, everyone. You can shift and sleep in the tents or stay on paws. Your choice, but everybody stays here tonight. We are close to the RueClaw up here, so everyone stay alert to where you are."

With that warning he ducks into a large tent. I sigh internally and turn to explore a bit on paws. Bastian's still angry about Samuel, I can tell. Meanwhile, Sam's wolf is watching us, his eyes remaining on Bastian and I even during the run up here.

Even with everything happening, it's a relief to let my wolf just run free. The climb into the mountains has her tired already, but not so exhausted that she can't play in the woods a little.

My wolf is following the trail of some mice when the large male steps into our path. Jacob. His snarling face is all I see before his wolf tackles my much smaller one. I let out a squeak of surprise at the sudden aggression.

Teeth bite into my scruff as the male tries to mount me.

I scramble away, nails digging for purchase on the leaf-littered ground. A whine rises in my throat, cut off when the harsh reality of the Orders hammering at my subconscious filter through that initial panic.

You will not refuse any of the high-ranking males your body.

I whimper, tucking my tail under my body in a silent plea for Jacob to back off. The Orders are pushing me to submit to him, but it will kill Bastian if I betray him again. Panic is welling, my wolf doesn't want this male. She never did, despite her questionable choices, and I definitely want nothing to do with Jacob.

Jacob bites down harder, the heavy male positioned to take what he wants from the reluctant female under him. The rules of sex are blurred when we are on paws. Consent becomes something different between wolves. We are just animals, after all, but not entirely and this is forceful and unwanted.

His weight is gone only a second later. Bastian's wolf is larger than Jacobs, and right now he's much, much meaner.

I curl up into a ball in the roots of a nearby tree and watch, my ears flattened on the top of my head. I tuck my snout under my paw, whining fearfully as the two males fight for dominance.

It doesn't take long for Bastain to win submission from Jacob. My mate hovers over the other male threateningly for a full two minutes before he releases Jacob and jogs over to me.

A hard nudge, teeth to my nape, and the alphason is dragging me into the clearing to dump my body next to Jacob's bleeding one.

I'm mounted in front of the smaller male with a ferocity that dispels any further doubts. The she-wolf belongs to Bastian. My whines and whimpers fall on deaf ears to the strong male. He is marking his prize for everyone to see. It's primitive and a little scary, but my wolf and I submit without any fight.

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