10 Falling Apart

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I smirk at Cassie as she leans closer, placing her hand on my chest. She's a little proprietary, honestly, her actions and posture communicating that she has some sort of ownership over me.

That alone pisses me off, but even if Cassie wasn't acting like she's got a claim on me I would be agitated right now.

Lola. I want Lola. My wolf needs Lola.

I let my eyes drift away from Cassie, trying to look casual as I glance around the room. Lola is sitting with some of the other cheerleaders. They usually sit together on game days. I feel my stomach flip when I notice her red-rimmed eyes, her slightly stiff shoulders. She refuses to look my way, but I know that seeing Cassie and I together must burn.

I push away the guilt that surfaces. She cheated on me, refuses to tell me with who, and I caught her talking to Sam on the phone.

She's so traitorous it's laughable. I'm laughable, because all I want to do is go over there and pull her into my arms and Claim her for real, but she doesn't want me. If she did, she never would have cheated on me.

I just don't understand her.

"Bastian!" I flinch as Cassie's whine hits me ears. Goddess, I went on one lackluster, boring date with this female and she is acting like I put a diamond ring on her finger and asked her to buy a house together.

"Just a minute, Cassie," I tell her abruptly. I catch Lola's eyes. With a subtle jerk of my head I let her know that she needs to come to me.

Lola obeys instantly, standing and crossing the cafeteria while one of her fellow cheerleaders is in the middle of talking to her.

When she gets closer I smirk, "Lola, get me a soda, will you?"

Face pale, she nods, her head bowed a little. I hear Jacob chuckle a little. With satisfaction I watch Lola go to the lunchline and grab a soda before paying for it and returning to me, her offering outstretched.

"Sit," I sneer at her as I take the soda from her.

She sits next to Matteo, one of my human friends who is watching us closely. He offers Lola a kind smile. She smiles back, making my anger ratchet upwards.

I drink, letting Cassie put her hands on me again. Lola talks quietly with Matteo while he eats and I try to keep my glaring to a minimum. I feel out of control. So angry, so needy, so fucking hurt. I just want to rewind to before Lola cheated, to a moment when I thought I had a chance, slim, but a chance, at happiness with her.

The bell rings and we all stand up, throwing away our trash and joking. My eyes can't help but stay on Lola's sexy body as she hurries over to the other lunch table to grab her tray. She throws it away and I feel a lead balloon settle in my gut.

She didn't eat. Not a damn thing.

"Lola!" I call out after her, but she is rushing away, already out the doors to the cafeteria.

Fuck me. I'm an asshole. My wolf snarls in my head. Taking care of our mate is his number one priority. It's instinct. His female is hungry and it's my fault.

I shrug off Cassie's grip (did she turn into a monkey?, shit!) and rush out of the cafeteria, chasing my mate.

I come to a halt just before slamming into his solid chest. I curse, and I hear a derisive scoff from just above me.

Ryker Holden matches my scowl with his own.

"Why is it that you have a female who isn't your mate hanging all over you like a barnacle?" he sneers, but quiet enough that the other students don't hear him.

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