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The wicked sharp November winds whipped through the air. Amber stood at the entrance of the Philadelphia zoo pinching her jacket closed. Visitors skipped by, some with their children, others with their partners. Not too long ago the zoo was shut down for an investigation into the kidnapping of three girls and the murder of two. She remembered vividly when she was at home that day when it appeared on the news. She had just pulled the baked chicken out of the oven. Light jazz music flowed in the dining room. Although it seemed as though she was cooking for a family gathering with the bowl of mashed potatoes, green beans, and corn, she was eating alone tonight. Amber crossed the room and rounded into the dinning room quickly transporting the chicken onto the table.

"Breaking news tonight, a young woman was found in the zoo along with two other girls who were all reported missing."

Amber turned towards where the news was broadcasting. As she inched forward he stumbled, falling to her knees as she saw the face displayed on her television.

"Hey Amber!" Amber was ripped from her thoughts. Her old coworker Daniel jogged over in his work uniform. Above his breast pocket was "trainer" written in cursive. Amber gave a slight smile before being engulfed by Daniels massive arms. She melted for a little in his warmth and the smell of his freshly showered scent. Guilt settled in her.

"Long time no see, how have you been?" he asked pulling away. Amber adjusted her scarf around her neck.

"I've been...ok. I think I might finally make the move back to my parents home in New York," she admitted. Daniels smile fell and Amber gave a pitiful smile.

"What do you mean? I thought you were going to stay in Philly to do your photography?" he said.

"I know, I know I just need to get away from here," Amber looked around wearily. A man howled in laughter from behind her and she whipped around. He wore an Eagles sweatshirt with a matching hat. He was an older man with balding hair. Beside him was a woman and a teenaged boy with dark brown hair. She turned her attention back to Daniel who was looking over his shoulder.
"Oh hey, take my number and call me later. Boss wants me to hurry it up, and be careful walking around by yourself they never caught that creep," Daniel said.
Amber felt a twinge of pain in her chest as she pulled out her phone. As Daniel recited his number to her, Amber couldn't help the feeling of being watched.
"Thanks," She said and watched as he jogged away. She spun around and bumped into someone nearly knocking her over.
"So sorry dear," the woman grabbed her strongly with large firm hands. Her bag fell on the ground and as she reached for it her hand was almost trampled in a sea of feet. The grip lessened and she stood.
"Thank you," Amber said but when she looked around no one was there. She readjusted her bag on her shoulder and strode towards the metro station.  She jogged down the steps and passed through the turnstile. It smelled of mildew and wet dog. The south train came before hers and she watched as the people walked out of their carts and the others walk on. A brisk wind announced the North train before it turned into view out of the tunnel. On the walk home she took a turn down a street where the street light flickered relentlessly. The only thing she could hear was her own feet sloshing through the gravel and pools of rain. Behind her a man turned walking down the street. Amber noted the other set of footsteps and quickened her pace. The man jogged to get closer and Amber broke into a jog. 

"Aye Miss?" the man said. His words slurred together which made Amber run faster. He ran behind her and when he got close enough he grabbed her shoulders and pushed her into an alley. Amber fell to the ground her hands breaking her fall. Glass cut her palms giving entry to the dirt to pack inside her fresh wounds. The man hovered over her breathing hard and Amber could smell the harsh mixture of liquor and stale chips. The man grabbed her ponytail and pulled her head back. His hot breath hit her neck sending an unwanted tingling sensation up her spine. Her flesh pimpled and her heart beat furiously in her chest. He trailed his chapped lips along her ear and the lifted dead skin on his lips brushed along her skin. Amber heard his belt jingle and she froze. A small spark of heat ignited her finger tips and the man yelped. A new whoosh of air slipped by her and a loud CRACK sounded as something was thrown into the wall. Amber scrambled to her feet and looked behind her. A hooded figure stood a few feet away and the drunk guy laid on his side by a trash can. Amber shifted and noticed the coolness on her pants and in between her legs. The smell of pee wafer up to her nose.  The hooded figured nodded his head.

"Go home, now, and don't walk in dimly lit streets!" the person said. 

"Thank you," Amber said before running away. She tripped over her feet with shaking legs as she ran the rest of the way home.

When she got home she quickly locked her door and peeled off everything she wore. She raced into her bathroom and hopped in the shower. The hot water ran down her cold shaking body. She grabbed her wash cloth,  and lathered it with soap before running it over her body. Her hands shook as she wiped her body down. She tried to focus on the soaps jasmine and honey smell instead of the unwanted thoughts of her past. She turned the water off, dried herself off, and pulled on her nightgown. The only thing she wanted to do was sleep and she did relishing in the safety of her thick quilt. 

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