bonus #1

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muke on the gif aye

ok so im not making a sequel but theres gonna be a bonus chapter for you cool people

and idk i just feel the need to say this but like if you dont like the boys aka 5sos be shipped romantically then pls dont even read the chapter bc its gon be about muke good daY

bc like there are those ppl out there who felt like that ya feel


you're cute when you're mad, luke wrote down and quickly passing the small paper to the boy beside him. michael only rolled his eyes and read the note, trying so hard not to smile because luke robert hemmings, just said that he is cute.

michael harshly grabbed the pen - the one luke just used - form his hand. and write down something on it. he cringe internally at his own handwriting but pass it to luke, anyway. and he also throw the pen at his hand.

i still hate you, luke smiled and didn't write anything down. but, he simply said, "you can't hate me." michael raised his eyebrow and take the note and pen from luke.

michael is currently mad at luke for coming late for their date. yes, like an actual date. even though all michael ordered was just a pizza. well, you'd want to think about what you said again bc i hate you.

michael passed it to luke and he heard the blonde boy sigh. luke was coming late because he had to shop something first. and ofcourse, it had to be for michael. luke takes the pen away from michael's hand.

why are we passing note like this it reminds me of calum and evelyn the sappy couple i don't want to be like them ew

michael wanted to laugh at it, but he can't because he's still mad at luke. he can't just talk to him suddenly, it will made luke felt that he won on this little game they're playing. but, without michael realizing, he accidentally let out a small smile, that luke - ofcourse - caught.

and it made luke smiled too. he waits for michael to write something down but he didn't do anything. god, why is this boy so stubborn?! luke thought. he starts thinking about how he would define michael - in a situation like this - as the annoying little cute kitten.

michael didn't write luke anything, but he just grabbed a slice of pizza on the table and start eating it. pretending that luke wasn't even there.

"you're so annoying," luke muttered with a small laugh. "but i really want to kiss you." that made michael's heart beats 10 times faster and with luke leaning closer to him, it doesn't help anything at all.

"you're out with that girl, right?" michael finally said. luke stopped moving and look at him confusedly. he didn't even know which girl does michael mean, and plus, he was late because he bought something for michael.

"that girl?"

"yeah, anna, or whatever her name is." michael scoffed and take another slice of pizza, shoving it in his mouth. luke only smiled, the fact that michael is - maybe - jealous made him somewhat, happy. (ANNA AKA DANDELUKE I LOVE YOU IM SURE LUKE WOULD FUCK THE SHIT OUT OF YOU)

"so you're jealous, huh?" luke teased, his eyebrows do the dancing thing which made him wanted to laugh really, really bad. michael rolled his eyes, "who says i am?"

"no one says you are. but, you showed it - that you're jealous." luke smirked, seeing michael finished his second pizza and take another one from the box.

michael chuckled, "yeah, so what if i am? she's beautiful." michael said, not daring to even take a glance at luke who is sitting right beside him.

"so what if she's beautiful?" luke asked. "i like you, not her."

and with just those five words, his stomach made this weird explosion in him. making him shivers and it was just a sequence of normal words. it was just an 'i like you', for god's sake! but, why did it makes him so happy?

but, michael being the stubborn kid decided to not believe it and chuckled sarcastically, "how many girls have you said that to?" and it made luke so frustrated that he didn't even know if he wants to punch the boy or suck his dick. and there's no inbetween.


"hemmings." and luke knew michael is really mad at him, by the way michael said luke's last name.

"michael," luke groaned. "god dammit, i was out to - "

"- fuck that anna girl, you don't have to tell me, i knew."

"am not!" michael didn't reply after that, instead he just take another slice of pizza again - it being the fourth slice he ate - which made luke sighed and checked the small clock one more time, 11:58.

luke grabbed the paper he set down next to him and place it on the table. "that's why i was late." and with that he stormed out of the house. actually, their house. michael kind of regretted not stopping him but he was mad at luke.

he looked at the bag and reached out to see what's inside it.

a note was what he found first.


happy burfday mikey :-)

i know you don't like that nosey face but i like it and even though you're gonna hate me after this, i'm still gonna love you :-)

i really don't know what to say, because i am in hurry the man in the shop is looking at me weirdly because i was smiling so much but all i could buy you is this and i know it's not really that expensive because i was too busy recording the song i knew you liked!

it's for you and only you :D if you want to hear it you can, it's on the CD i also put in the bag!

this is not the best birthday present ever, i wish i could go get you that guitar you want last week but i can't :-( just know that i lerv you so much

LUCIFER HEMMY A MIKEL CLIFURD ENTHUSIAST (i had to text evelyn for advice on this)

michael's jaw dropped and he stopped to look at the clock on the small table, 12:00. he walked closer to it and check the date that's written on it. 20th November 2014. "fuck!"

he kept yelling 'fuck' over and over and he couldn't even think anymore.

he assumed bad things about luke and he couldn't hate himself more. i always fucked up, god dammit! now i bet luke doesn't even want to know me anymore.

michael is now curled up on the floor with luke's note infornt of him and all the things inside the bag. there are a CD - with nosey face on it and a heart, sappy, michael thought -, a black sweater, two bracelets made from rubbers and a small piece of paper attached on it "i made it myself!", and lastly a bunch of photos they've taken on a photobooth down the street.

michael put it in CD and soon luke's voice flew in his ear. "hi, this is luke. michael, if you're listening to this, uh - you ever told me that this is your favorite song so, i - yeah." michael chuckled because he can actually picture luke doing that.

soon, a tune michael knew so well is heard. it was endlessly by the cab. michael remembers exactly how he used to sing it with luke. and it made him even more sadder because their fight wasn't even that intense and it was stupid. michael was stupid.

"and my jeans may all be ripped," michael smiled. "i'm not prefect, but i swear i'm perfect for you."

michael was always sure that luke is his one. but he was never sure of him being luke's one. he's an asshole, like almost every second, he could've let luke explain and quit being so stubborn but he didn't.

"and there's no guarantee, that this will be easy. . ."

and michael knew that he maybe lost the love of his life.

and what made it even more worse is that he just didn't lose the love of his life, but also, his bestest friend.

"i'm no angel, i'm just me, but i will love you endlessly."

michael is stupid.

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